Claim your own mastery, live by the heart and in connection with Spirit, the seasons and the cosmos.Commit to yourself, to see the goodness in every situation, then look beyond and find new potential in it.
As an individual, I am mutable with my environment, energy, and atmosphere, being more easily adaptable to change.I allow new beginnings to unfold once I organize and bring order to old responsibilities and loose ends.
As a whole, we will be dreaming big and step by step paving the way for a world that we want to live in.
~adapted from @spiritsoulsistasand @idamichelle_moonastrology
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"The New Moon in Virgo brings details to our intentions. It reminds us that anything worth doing is worth doing well. Virgo teaches us to roll up our sleeves, dig in, and do the hard work needed to manifest the reality we want to live in. This New Moon holds the space for us to bring form to our visions. It’s a time not only to see the path that leads to them but build it with our two hands. Virgo inspires us to make long-lasting commitments through our intentions. This is a night to see far into the future and feel it throughout your being. What do you want your life to look like in five or ten years? What can you do today to help you get there?Virgo is one of the great healers of the zodiac. She reminds us that our wounds can sabotage us in ways we least expect it. If we truly want a strong foundation, we must heal the cracks in our soul. When we have unprocessed grief or trauma from the past, it creates energetic noise in our system. It distracts us, takes us off course, and brings us out of the present moment. Our wounds can call in situations that repeat our past and cause chaos in our lives. Virgo is the sign of organization. She reminds us that to reach our highest visions, we must declutter our minds and our hearts.Pluto also trines the Sun and Moon, reminding us that everything occurs in cycles. Our energy is on an ever-evolving cycle of transformation. It exists throughout many lifetimes, and what happens today we may not understand for years to come. Our journey, and the journey of the collective, will go through cycles of change. These cycles look like confusing paths when we are on them, but afterward, all the twists and turns make sense. As we journey through this New Moon, it’s important to remember there is no direct line from A to B. The path to your visions includes movement in all directions. It also includes opportunities for transformation and healing, which may not be very pleasant when occurring. Change is often uncomfortable and overwhelming.
When we commit to a new path, though, we also commit to the transformations needed to become the person capable of walking that path.
"It seems all the transforming and breaking down of the old that we have been doing this year so far is finally paving the way for something new to emerge. On this September New Moon, we also experience what is known as a Moon Wobble. This is when the Moon aligns in a 90-degree angle to the lunar nodes. Essentially, this is a time of heightened energy and as the name suggests, we can feel thrown off balance and a little “wobbly.” Moon Wobbles indicate powerful inner growth and spiritual awakening, but in order to achieve this they can make us feel a little uncertain or unstable.2020 has already brought a lot of instability, so maybe we are used to it at this point! But this is something the September New Moon may heighten. With Mars also in retrograde, we may see people more likely to act on this feeling of instability and insecurity by lashing out with hostile words and actions. Virgo is the sign of the healer. Its energy beckons us to welcome the healing power of nature into our lives, through the food we eat or through spending time surrounded by forests and oceans. Under this New Moon, embrace the healing power of nature, herbal medicines, and plant foods to restore and recharge your energy field."
With the New Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all in the same sign, Friday’s lunation is packed with Virgo energy! This means strategizing, organizing, and purifying are the name of the game. Think about your schedule and daily routines. What needs to be more practical, efficient, and health-giving? Perhaps your diet and exercise regimen could use a tune-up, or that mountain of dishes is calling your name. Embrace adulting, self-improvement, and ultimately, change.A tight trine from Uranus in Taurus will help, encouraging you to try new systems and methods. Make sure you do your research, as Virgo demands validity and reliability. Keep a critical eye alongside an open mind. If you do embark on an experiment, keep a thorough record along the way. Adequate data will be important when analyzing the results. Last, Uranus may also inspire you to embrace technology that improves your life, like apps for list-making or meditating.As Virgo is a resourceful and dedicated earth sign, strengthening your relationship with Mother Nature is also a good idea. Plant an herb garden, frequent the farmer’s market, or start taking your dog for more walks. Virgo loves to serve the earth and all of its inhabitants, so consider how you can be of service on a day-to-day level.
~@cosmiccollage + @bodyandsoulsustenance
Mars Retrograde encourages us to look within and decided if the life we are living matches our soul’s path.If it does, Mars brings us passion and fire to make leaps on our path.If it’s not aligned, Mars Retrograde can cause feelings of frustration as we lash out at people around us.
Virgo reminds us that we are overly critical of others, we are really unhappy with ourselves. Our self-criticism spills over to others as we try to control how we feel by controlling the behavior of the people around us. This projection is amplified by Mars Retrograde this New Moon. If you are experiencing anger towards yourself or others, ask yourself if you feel aligned with your soul’s purpose?You may feel frustrated if the answer is no but commit to understanding your soul’s mission through the lens of Virgo, Saturn, and Pluto. How can finding your gift help you find your soul’s journey? Are they perhaps the same thing? What fires are you willing to walk through to find your purpose? And how does it serve the greater collective?"Mars, the planet of passion and war, stations retrograde until November 13th. Mars retrograde can feel intense on our energetic body. Mars is known as the planet of war, but really it is the planet of will. It brings us the energy of passion, fueling our love of life. It’s the feeling we get when starting a new adventure - it’s excitement mixed with fear and reminds us that anything is possible.Retrograde, the red planet, encourages us to look at how we are showing up for ourselves. Are we aligning with our personal journey? Are we following our passions? Or are we watering down our personality to appease others? If we are not aligned with our soul’s purpose, this Retrograde can feel frustrating and overwhelming. It can cause outbursts and uncontrolled emotions. It takes a cool head to navigate this transit.Ground yourself and try to pause before reacting. Ask yourself where your feelings are coming from. Then turn your frustration into motivation for change. Inspire yourself instead of imploding and find a purpose for your energy. If you feel like you are attacking yourself or others, move your body and find some way to release pent up energy.
~Spirit Daughter
Read Anna's latest article here to find out more about the current astrology.
Bloodstone | Deep green with occasional flecks of red throughout, Bloodstone is a powerful crystal for grounding you fully in the body, the here and now. It can support and enhance your capacity to live with strength, determination and courage. Providing emotional support in times of extreme adversity, this stone is helpful for deeply understanding that loneliness and isolation are mere illusion, and regaining one's connection to Source.Bloodstone teaches that chaos often precedes transformation and guides one in knowing when it is appropriate to strategically withdraw from situations, and when flexibility and taking right action will help one remain true to one’s own path. Bloodstone calms the emotional body, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making, nourishing feelings of worth, self-confidence and self-sufficiency. (Ahsian, Hall, Megemont, Simmons)
Red Jasper | This stone is red to terracotta brown, sometimes mixed with other minerals. A stone of physical strength and energy, Red Jasper stimulates gently and steadily, enhancing stamina and endurance, and increasing the amount of chi, or life force, in one’s aura. It is a stone of health and passion, and brings the courage to face unpleasant tasks and to rectify unjust situations.It provides vivid dream recall, and is a powerful stone for those who work with Earth energies to make a deep connection with Earth spirits and guardians of the leys and sacred sites. (Eason, Gienger, Hall, Melody, Simmons)
Snowflake Obsidian | Midnight black crystal with small "snowflake" markings of white. Snowflake Obsidian is a “stone of purity,” which you may use to bring truth and balance to your mind, body, and spirit; and empower yourself to accept and adapt to change and transformation.Snowflake Obsidian amplifies perception, and it may help you see a path through the darkness of adversity and realign with the light; also to perceive sources of support that you may have overlooked or taken for granted. It inspires new ideas, and opens new pathways of spiritual thought and connection (Adapted from Ahsian, Eason, Gienger, Hall, Lembo, Melody, Simmons)
On this New Moon, create practices that can keep you grounded as you ride the waves of transformation. When everything seems to be in upheaval, what helps you feel your feet on the ground and anchor your energy? Have these practices in place, ready to hold you steady during the most intense stages of growth. (Spirit Daughter)On the Virgo New Moon, it’s most beneficial to create intentions around your gifts and unique offerings to the world. These intentions can include seeing your perfection and your worth. See yourself showing up fully in your power, giving your gifts to the world to help it heal and evolve. Include seeing yourself fully grounded and ready to take charge of your life. Also, envision developing healthy boundaries around your space and time, which allow for your self-care. Include different rituals, which will help you build your visions over time. Remember, with Virgo it’s’ a slow and steady course. Patience and commitment are key. (Spirit Daughter)As you write your intentions this New Moon, feel into the power of your practices and rituals. It is the small things we do each day with intent that become the rituals of our life. How you wake in the morning is a ritual. Having a pot of tea can be a ritual. Journalling is a ritual. These rituals become the foundation for your intentions to manifest. They keep the fire of your dreams burning long after the New Moon has passed and during even the most distracting times. Rituals also help us define our time. Virgo reminds us that our time is finite, and we must treat it as a precious resource. On this New Moon, feel into what rituals can help you slowly build your visions. Virgo reminds us that we are in a rush to reach our destination. The journey to our dreams is just as fulfilling as achieving them. What’s important is that we create a strong foundation that will not waiver in the face of adversity. As you create and commit to rituals that will help you work towards your visions, include rituals of healing.As you create various rituals for yourself this New Moon, include ones that build your intentions and ones that heal the piece of you that subconsciously tears down your intentions. Much of the work of manifestation is shifting what blocks you from receiving what is already yours. Aspects The Moon and Sun trine Saturn Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde this New Moon. Trines are harmonious aspects and add energy into the vibrations of the day. Saturn is the stern planet of responsibility who reminds us that all actions have consequences. Saturn Retrograde encourages us to look inward and feel into our commitments. Furthermore, this transit asks if our responsibilities to ourself also serves the collective. With the New Moon trining this energy, we are directed to look at our commitments to the future. How do they fit into the overall evolution of the planet?Virgo encourages us to share our gifts with the world. On this New Moon, envision what this looks like for you. How can your unique talent contribute to the evolution of the collective? How can you help others heal and grow? What is your place in the ever-unfolding transformation of humanity? Saturn places a serious spin on this New Moon and can make it feel intense. Be careful that any perceived pressure doesn’t cause anxiety, forcing you to choose something for the sake of choosing. You do not need to have it all figured out tonight. What’s important is that you create a plan to help you figure out what your gifts are and how to share them with the world. This plan comes in the form of rituals. Commit to them and commit to finding your highest potential, but don’t feel like you need to reach it in one day. Committing to find our gift and sharing it is enhanced by the energy of transformation this New Moon. (Spirit Daughter)