New Moon April 28 11:14 p.m. PDT /April 29 02:14 a.m. EDT@ 8 degrees Taurus 52 minutesAt the very least you are a vital cell in a cosmic holy body.And everyone works so hard no matter what they do.There is no place for you to go but onward into a greater freedom.The poor man rarely parties because of so many cares. We should put an end to that.Knowledge can be pawned for a good sum.Find some truth and mix it with your talents.If you can get the balance right between you and others, and you and death, shops will start selling your art.And maybe even a masterpiece you will become, Your every gesture.—HafizNew moon in Taurus is all about the grace of Being so that every relationship is experienced as a gesture of the truth that surrounds us all in an intimate embrace. We ‘love’ the absolute simplicity of flowing without destination, without thought free of the mind to rest in stillness, to abide in deep peace. Suffering is the result of resistance to the very easy act of surrender. What could be less stressful than resting in this moment without expectation? Embrace the truth and slip into the ease of Being that which you are.Venus is all about luxuriating in the ease of knowing Self and attracting same. This is beauty, creativity; a romance that defies temporal existence. And Venus in Pisces dissolves into all that is as effortlessly as she arose from the depths of the sea. Her home is boundless, unlimited and offered to all just as we are ‘offered’ the air we breathe and we take it in just as easily as we ‘take in’ our true nature. Why does the mind prevent us from seeing this? Because here, the mind has no jurisdiction. It is seen that we are not in need of the mind, that we move and function regardless of its activity. What joy in that!Venus requires no words for conversation or thoughts to inspire but is inspired by Being. Being is inspiration, passion, relationship, art—love and joy. We taste the beauty of Being with our human mouths, see the radiant expression of “that” in every form, touch intimacy, smell Reality and hear the silence of life in accord. Venus is so much more than she appears superficially and why she stands naked before all—do we dare delve into what lies beneath the porcelain exterior? Can we move beyond the physical pleasure to which we cling, thinking we are the body/mind, to know the true nature of our Self?New moon, no reflection encourages us to go within to find our answers. Self-enquiry is so simple. It involves only this right here right now and nothing more. And though we think we know, we know nothing because the mind does not understand. This is the beauty and grace of Venus. She knows nothing but experiences with the utmost presence and radiates “that” from within. Love and happiness flow.Happiness is your nature.It is not wrong to desire it.What is wrong is seeking it outsidewhen it is inside.—Sri Ramana MaharshiHappy new moon in Taurus. Bring it home!