New Moon at 4° of Sagittarius | November 26 at 7:06 AM PT

new moon in sagittarius

New Moon Blessings! “When you have a new moon in fire energy, the energy of initiating something new is even more powerful. As such, this is a great time to start new projects, learn new things or expand your spirituality in new ways. Sagittarius encourages you to have an open mind and to see that there are multiple perspectives and ways of looking at one thing.” The New Moon in Sagittarius is the last one for over a decade that will be co-present with its ruler, Jupiter. This New Moon is both an opportunity to optimize these last moments of Jupiter in Sagittarius, and a wrap-up and reflection on Jupiter’s transit through this sign. Over the course of the past year, Jupiter’s gait has been fast-paced, overwhelming at times, and always abundant in its lessons and blessings. The New Moon in Sagittarius comes with only one agenda; to help us work with what we’ve got. Like a fairy godmother that swoops in making things better with a joke, a compliment, and the kind of solution that reminds us we’ve had the answers all along, this New Moon is kinder than most. Willing to help us plant any seeds we are prepared to water routinely; the New Moon in Sagittarius is the last one before we are pulled into the portal of Eclipse Season that starts on December 25th.Yes, you read that right. The next New Moon is a solar eclipse in Capricorn on December 25. Enjoy this one. Eclipse Season has its own agenda. excerpted from @ChaniNicholas

Aim high and affirm

I welcome increased optimism.I invite and invoke spiritual growth.I am open to new adventures.I envision increased luck and prosperityI trust and look for opportunitiesIn the shadow of the moon I am focused and free.

Crystals for New Moon in Sagittarius

Topaz ~ Meditate with Topaz to open your mind to new adventures! Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most. Topaz also promotes openness and honesty, self-realisation and self-control.Turquoise ~ Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm. Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving. Use it when you want to understand yourself better, and focus on clarifying your emotions.Lapis Lazuli ~ A stone of friendship and truth, Lapis Lazuli encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth. Integrate it into your practice to increase mental clarity, enhance creative self-expression and promote spiritual development.

After the intensity of this past Scorpio season we may all be needing a little bit of room to roam, to air ourselves out, to see life through fresh eyes, but when our journey isn’t tied to some deeper meaning we are often left spent without much to show for it. Freedom isn’t free. Every journey has it’s cost and its benefit. Our job is to see if our journey is moving us toward awakening or if we are just gathering speed." excerpted @ChaniNicholas

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