New Moon Blessings! New Moon in Virgo, 8/30/19

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new moon | september 2019

Photo by Steven Su on Unsplash[/caption]

Friday, August 30 at 3:37am PT, 6 Virgo 47!

The New Moon in Virgo asks us to get to the work most meaningful to us. In order to do so, we’ll have to sort through the rubble of our internal world. Virgo loves to sift, categorize, and place things where they belong. Doing so helps us to understand why we procrastinate doing what we need to do, be it because of fear, self-doubt, or self-sabotage.This New Moon is conjunct Mars and trines Uranus - a combination that encourages us to boldly reinvent what’s out of date. In true Virgo style, the new moon wants to help us put first things first, so that life’s ever-increasing to-do list is put in perspective. Organization is its own kind of rebellion under these skies.This New Moon wants us to place ourselves in a position to work wisely. This is a lunar cycle that can help us set ourselves up to win the rest of 2019, with a no-nonsense kind of clarity and precision. It’s full of astrology that taps us into our drive as well as revealing the ways in which we get distracted, derailed, and dissuaded from our dreams. It takes courage to claim our lives for ourselves and effort, skill, and determination to make them into something meaningful. This astrology makes that loud and clear.

~ Excerpted from @Chani


Emerald- to get you out of your head and into your heart; reminds you to check in with your emotions before making any big decisions/ changes.Moss agate- earthy; physical healing; great for starting new healthy habits.Green aventurine- supports practicality and organization- helps be mindful of what is really helping you succeed, and what is not. Avoid overcomplicating things.

Ritual for finding balance:

*In a quiet darkened room, place a paper and pen in front of you, then light a candle or incense, and sit comfortably, breathing deeply and calmly for several minutes.*Focus on yourself- for the first few minutes try and notice your feelings, thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. Without judgement or panic, simply acknowledge them as they arise, and do not dwell on any one thing. Let the world fade away, and take stock of your internal life.*Then, when you are more fully in tune with yourself, visualize a typical day in your life, moving from morning until evening. Picture the steps and habits you move through from the moment you wake up, until your head hits the pillow at night.*After at least several minutes of quiet introspection, use the pen and divide the paper into three sections. In the first section make a list of the practices that refresh you and energize you getting ready for the day. Maybe there is something you tried once, that was really effective, but you fell out of the habit or don’t have time for it every day.In the second section, try and recall all the little tricks you have used to keep you focused and motivated throughout the day. Again, this may include practices that you tried once, or activities and treats that were once habitual but dwindled over time.In the third section, cast your mind back to nights of deep rest and relaxation. Remember what you were doing on those days, where you were, who you were with, what music you were listening to, or what food you ate. Did you spend the day outside? Did you see a friend? In the evening, did you eat right before bed, or did you eat earlier and read a book until you nodded off? List anything you can think of that contributed to your evening peacefulness or tranquility.*When you have made your lists, look over them and bring to the forefront a feeling of love- of love for yourself, and caring for the needs that manifest in your body and mind and heart, that are sometimes pushed aside. See yourself as a child, and imagine radiating love towards that small person, trying with all your heart to show them that they belong, that they are important, and that they are loved unconditionally.*Keep the paper somewhere you will see it every day- on the fridge, by the bathroom mirror, in your closet, in the car…Keep it as a reminder that deep down you know what you need, you have the tools in your power to create peace and energy as needed in your day to day life. And keep to remind you to care for yourself, and pay attention to your needs, to what helps you or holds you back. Even small things can make a difference, when they are part of your routine. Even if you do not do these things every day, you have the list as a resource for when you need a reminder- what will help, what you have done before.

~ By Ellen Wirth-Foster

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