New Moon February 18, 2015 @ 0 degrees Pisces (*) 6:47 p.m. EST 3:47 p.m. PST(* In Maynard’s Celestial Guide calendar the New Moon is listed at 29 deg. 54 min. Aquarius. My astrology program says 0 degrees Pisces and I have no logical explanation for this discrepancy. I am going with what Halloran software program displays at the above time which means there are two new moons in Pisces in 2015. The other is March 20th at 29 deg. 27 minutes and this is also a solar eclipse, a powerful way to complete this month punctuated by the last sign of the zodiac where we dissolve into nothing and realize we are everything.)What can we expect with 6 planets in Pisces that include a conjunction of Mars and Venus as well as the Sun and Moon? With the yin/yang elements in agreement and immersed in the well of collective unconscious or absence of thought/belief, guided or motivated by essence, we experience a realm that words can not accurately describe. It is in Pisces that thought becomes knowing and actions evolve from a sense of perfection that permeates the deep waters of our souls.Is there a tendency with Pisces to drift away and become lost in streams of awareness that avoid connection to the mundane elements of physical existence? Might this be our fate for these few days surrounding the New Moon? It would depend upon what other aspects exist in the natal chart. Pisces people are just as diverse as members of any other sign based on the many combinations of planetary positions.The chart for February 18th has the benefit of a Saturn square to the Sun/Moon and also to Neptune at 7 degrees Pisces. Though this may manifest in some as insecurity and observing fears that lay hidden in crevasses barely wide enough for the passage of a tiny lizard, in others it is grand vision, compassion and empathy for the human condition; a sense of responsibility to the highest good and to relieving the suffering that has been a defining quality of human existence throughout. In Pisces is found the connection to Christ Consciousness and an elevated platform from which to act without reaction.We may find, once we have realized the source of our fears, that we have very little to be attached to that would limit us from Being our true nature that is symbolized within this last sign in astrology. Without boundaries or ‘beliefs’ we are free. That is the frightening and nebulous quality of Pisces—it is for the most part beyond the knowable. Pisces people with whom I have acquaintance, are not to be understood in the same way we might understand others. They offer few footholds for those requiring relative connection. We are sometimes left to navigate therefore our own insecurities that prompt us to seek avenues into others psyches.Saturn in Sagittarius aspecting the luminaries provides an anchor for the practical application of what we find while engaged in exploration of the spaces between the warp and the weft. Saturn is the ballast for the ship that might otherwise float out to sea. The disposition of Saturn is to create parameters, to focus attention and to resist ‘temptation’ that would distract us from our goal.In the dark of this Moon we will find our selves relying on blind faith with impetus to loosen the grip we have on physical reality in order to embrace the deeper rhythms to which we are eternally tuned. Make way for spontaneous insights that provide magical solutions and allow time for the mystical that has potential to transport us to new ‘heights’.Enjoy the waves of compassion whilst contributing amply to them and notice the kindness with which we are now interacting with each other--grace, patience and peace.This is the opening of a gateway to the above mentioned; that as we approach the New Moon of March 20th will open further to be all inclusive and continue to ease us from separative thought.