"Aquarius is the perfect meeting of freedom, knowledge, and community." (Spirit Daughter) Find out about the New Moon in Aquarius, the Year of the Water Tiger; crystals for serenity, inner strength and insight; and how to connect with the element of Air through conscious breathing.
"The second New Moon of 2022 lands in Aquarius, bringing us an opportunity to set our frequency for the entire year. If you live west of the eastern time zone, this New Moon occurs on January 31, making it the second New Moon of January, otherwise known as a Black Moon. If you live in the eastern time zone or east of it, this Moon occurs on February 1. No matter where you are located, the Moon’s energy remains the same and brings the vibrations of Aquarius to harness in your intentions and visions for the next lunar cycle.
Aquarius is the perfect meeting of freedom, knowledge, and community. This energy not only changes the world but shapes it. Ruled by Air, Uranus, and Saturn, Aquarius moves society forward. It helps shift the vibration of the collective and evolve our connected frequency. It allows us to break the mold of our conditioned patterns and feel into our truth while showing it to the world. This is a time to be ourselves, no matter what others may think about us. It’s through this authentic truth and radical self-acceptance that we shift the paradigms governing us all.
To understand the power of Aquarius, we must first understand the interconnected field we all live in. We all contribute to and are affected by the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness contains our shared beliefs as a society, including societal norms, common attitudes, beliefs, and even what is accepted versus what is rejected by society. We each feed into this consciousness, and we each have the power to shape it. Aquarius teaches us about this container and how to shift it from the inside out. Aquarius helps us challenge the status quo and inspires us to think of solutions never taught to us. It guides us to innovate and tap into our innate genius to see the world in a new light—one that has never been seen before."
"Aquarius is an air sign. Air signs deal with concepts, thought, relating and communicating. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. Fixed signs are a strong, sturdy hub for others to gather round. Conceptually quite brilliant, Aquarius is able to see solutions and ways forward that are invisible to others. Uninfluenced by outside forces when need be, Aquarius is constructed to come up with its own thoughts. Able to put sentimental ties aside, Aquarius can become uncannily adept at problem solving. Mentally sturdy enough to study systems without being coopted by them, Aquarius astutely sees ways to innovate with great ease."
"New Moons represent the start of a new lunar cycle, and this New Moon is even more powerful as it brings the start of the Lunar New Year. The Lunar New Year is celebrated by many cultures around the world and is a time of new beginnings. Right before the Lunar Year begins, many take the time to clear out the house, reduce the clutter, and bring fresh energy into their homes. The past is forgiven, and a new, inspired mindset is also encouraged.
Leading up to this New Moon, you may feel inspired to clear away the old and to fill your home with fresh energy. As this is an Aquarius New Moon and holds strong air energy, any actions we take to bring new energy into our lives is likely to inspire new ways of thinking, bright ideas, and a clearer mind."
Amethyst | A powerful stone of spirituality and serenity, Amethyst opens, clears and activates the crown chakra. A natural tranquilizer, this purple crystal assists in spiritual insight, and enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation.
Black Moonstone | Moonstone is a stone for new beginnings and helps to improve inner growth and inner strength. It stabilizes the emotions and provides a calming effect. Moonstone enhances intuition and promotes empathy, while also helping with lucid dreaming.
Labradorite | Labradorite is a greyish stone with beautiful flashes of iridescent blue, purple, or peach. It is mystical, magical, protective and transformative. It balances and protects the aura, prevents energy leakages, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, it promotes flashes of insight, inspires new ideas, and is a helpful guide through change.
“I have just two instructions for you. One is to breathe, and one is to smile.”
The air sign Aquarius reminds us that air is the breath of life! Air is our life-force, keeping us alive, flowing through our body every moment of every day.
Thus, breathwork or pranayama can drastically affect our relationship to the air element within us. By becoming aware of the air moving through our bodies and nourishing us to our core, we can more greatly appreciate its vital role in our lives.
"Nothing connects you to the air element more than deep breathing, and deep, diaphragmatic belly breath is the perfect way to fully experience air flowing through your physical form.
How to practice:
For a deeper connection to your breath: Try holding the breath both before your inhale and after your exhale to connect to the precious life-force energy of this element.
When the air element is balanced within you, not only is your breath smooth, calm, and deep, but so is your mind.
So the next time you find yourself feeling stuck, inhibited, or heavy, reconnect with your breath. Tune in to your heart center. Feel the flow of air within you. And then reassess. You just might find that you aren’t so tied down after all."
"We need Joy as we need air.
We need Love as we need water.
We need each other as we need the earth we share."