New Moon in Aquarius | Friday January 24 at 1:41 p.m. PST

"I am a multi-dimensional being here to manifest on all levels and to overcome all obstacles.I will not be stopped from fulfilling my purpose. As I see through the collective programming that is only set to diminish and divide.Today I wake from that illusion and expect that from here on out all my wishes rooted in expansive vision within will manifest me every single thing I dream.I am the Aquarius nation.I am the magic here.I am the power holder here.I have awoken from the lies.And so it is."


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new moon in aquarius

Art Credit: Lori Menna, @cosmiccollage[/caption]"Aquarius Season begins with a bang. The New Moon on January 24th asks us to make a change, embrace a little discord, or be part of a larger cultural shift. This is loud astrology that asks us to do our part by refusing to remain silent about the things that need our voice, actions, and energy.Unpredictable, exciting, and demanding, this astrology is like a metaphorical earthquake. Shaking up what has grown stagnant, it encourages us to make a break with our bad habits."@chaninicholas. "The square to Uranus is the most significant aspect in the New Moon chart, indicating that the coming lunar cycle is one of continued change.Uranus has been called the "god of chaos," and we often see somewhat chaotic situations occurring when it is activated. But it also has higher vibrational qualities, revealed through the translation of the Greek word Ouranos (Uranus), which means "the sky crowned with stars." Astrologer Liz Greene writes that Uranus "reflects our universal human longing to know where we are going and why." She acknowledges that:

"Many people find it difficult to express Uranus, for they are required to detach themselves from their immediate emotional needs and look toward a bigger future design ... Yet if we avoid expressing Uranus, its creative power will erupt into our world in spite of us – through change that we unconsciously need, and in some cases even provoke, but which we may experience as personally devastating when it arrives. The heavenly vision of Uranus may sometimes feel impersonal and cold, yet it offers us greater freedom through a new and broader perspective on our lives."


The divergent road that we start to walk with this Aquarian New Moon is likely to take us into unknown territory, where we continually need to broaden our perspective. This new lunar cycle will inspire many to take a stand, speak loudly, and perhaps even demand to be heard. How we each use this influence depends on our core values, and how we want to direct its powerful energies." Pam Younghans


Because this moment has a flair for the rebellious, you’ll need to make sure that when you buck a system you have good cause to do so. The New Moon in Aquarius is a time to do away with playing it small, but it’s no time to be reckless. Being intellectually thorough is the way Aquarius rolls. @ChaniNicholas


Crystals for the New Moon in Aquarius

Aquamarine ~ Aquamarine is the activist's friend. It helps nourish compassion, empathy, and an inspired sense of service to humanity. Aquamarine helps you take your ideas of how to improve the world, and make them a reality! Work with Aquamarine to nourish your tolerance of others, and diminish judgement, while jump-starting courage. This blue stone will help you feel more comfortable with yourself and less like an outsider, reducing stress and quieting the mind.Labradorite ~ Support your inner visionary with Labradorite. This stone seems gray at first, but it has a secret: when you look at it from the right angle, it gives off a flash of electric blue! This flash of insight balances inspiration with wisdom, serving you well in the pursuit of your future goals. With its changing colors, Labradorite is a stone of transformation--a useful companion through change, it imparts strength and perseverance, while strengthening intuition.Emerald ~ Overthinking? Seeking mental clarity? Emerald will help soothe your emotions, and bring you the inspiration, motivation and creativity you need to forge a new path for yourself and the betterment of humanity. Emerald stimulates the heart chakra, healing emotional trauma and opening the way for compassionate action.

Three Ways to Celebrate the First New Moon of the '20s...

1. Set intentions at this powerful beginning point, at the start of a new moon cycle, a new decade, and a full revolution of the 12-year Chinese zodiac. In a quiet space, focus your attention inward and check in with your body and your emotions. Allow yourself to write down or otherwise record your truest, deepest wishes, goals, and dreams for this new cycle.2. Take a New Moon Bath with your favorite salts and essential oils...Light candles and bring your crystals with you! Renew your connection to the divine within you, by relaxing and re-centering.3. Start something new--this is the time to sow seeds of new life, whether your garden is full of vegetables, flowers, or dreams. Take the steps to prepare for the fulfillment of your wishes. Maybe that means meditating, to clear your mind and open up to new ideas and feelings. Or perhaps going for more walks, to prepare your body for a physical transformation...Whatever it is, don't worry so much about where you end up, just take a small step and let the waxing, increasing energy of the moon bring momentum and power to all your endeavors."The more you believe in the validity of your dreams, desires, and visions for your life, the more real they’ll feel. The more responsibility you’ll feel for them. The more you’ll work towards manifesting them. The more you see yourself as a care-taker of them, and a protector for all that is possible through them, the more emboldened you’ll feel to risk what is necessary to bring them about.Anyone who is successful is always asked how they got there and, more often than not, they’ll tell you it began with a feeling, knowing, or dream and the clarity to take it seriously. May this new moon help you communicate with that kind of inspirational certainty. May it, momentarily at least, relieve you from your doubts. May it build your confidence, and bring you into greater alignment with the gifts that want to work their way into the world through you."@chaninicholas

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