New Moon in Aquarius | 1/29/25 at 4:35 am PT

"There is no need to run outside for better seeing. Nor to peer from a window. Rather abide at the center of your being; for the more you leave it, the less you learn. Search your heart and see the way to do is to be." ~Lao Tzu

Prayer for Sacred Pauses
Goddess of the sacred pause
please grant me the courage
to lay aside swiftness
and take up slowness,
to embrace limitations as learning,
silence as stabilizing,
waiting as worthy,
and sitting as divine.
Goddess of the sacred pause
help  me to know stillness as strength,
patience as powerful,
and healing time
as holy necessity.
~Molly Remer, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius | January 29th, 2025, at 4:35 am PT

"This New Moon is about breaking ties with whatever keeps our inner visionary, innovator, and world-builder asleep. It is about grappling with and witnessing the grief that is hidden in plain sight. It is about remembering that we are not too late to make the future better. In fact, this moment is the only place from which we can create change. It’s the only place from which we can learn to love, cherish, and take care of one another, and therefore the world."

~Chani Nicholas

"New Moons are times of new emotional cycles and planting seeds for whatever we want to come next. The futuristic Aquarius New Moon encourages us to cut our past loose, or at least some of the things that we’re still hung up on. Aquarius is cool and detached, ideal for making a clean break from things that are no longer serving us so that we can boldly step into the next phase of our lives.

Our innovative spirit is off the charts with the New Moon in unconventional Aquarius! When the Sun and Moon team up in this brainy sign, we have a greater ability to expand our perceptions and come up with bright ideas. Aquarius sometimes dreams up concepts so far ahead of its time that they cannot be applied to current circumstances. However, the New Moon helps put us in touch with reality so that we can bring these groundbreaking insights back down to earth."

"The upcoming New Moon in Aquarius ushers in a time of powerful activations. If the energy has felt disruptive, chaotic or erratic in your life, know that the cosmos is very intentionally guiding you to acknowledge and push through any self-imposed barriers limiting you from fully stepping into your power. Aquarius’s modern ruler Uranus, the rule breaker who likes to spice things up in an unpredictable and erratic way, comes in to show us where we have been playing small. Uranus illuminates how in our lives we have disconnected from our authenticity, helping us to embrace our quirks, step outside of the box and forge our own path on the road less traveled. Now that Pluto, the planet of transformation and power has moved into Aquarius, you may have realizations around your unique form of self-expression and how this has been influenced or restricted by your external environment."

~Sarah Boss via

"In the Zodiac, Aquarius follows Capricorn and corresponds to the journey of understanding what we have been conditioned to desire and how we have been programmed to behave, see reality, and approach life.

The Aquarius archetype has to do with breaking free from the past, unraveling the results of the conditioning we internalized, and liberating from its impact. This journey is known as deconditioning and is a central part of our individuation process.

While deconditioning has to do with recognizing and unlearning conditioned responses, the individuation process has to do with discovering and developing our unique identity while integrating conscious and unconscious aspects of our psyche.

The Aquarius New Moon begins a new chapter in our deconditioning journey and inaugurates a lunar month centered around deepening our understanding of how our past and our traumas are still impacting us in the present. This lunation invites us to observe what behaviors, fears, and insecurities of ours are a result of the conditioning and programming we internalized and inspires us to get to know ourselves, to get to know who we are as unique, sovereign, and free individuals.

The Aquarius New Moon motivates us to embark on a process of self-reinvention catalyzed by the removal of layers of conditioning and inauthenticity, not by adding more layers or masks upon an existing persona."

~Moon Omens

"To grasp Aquarius's transformative power, we must first recognize the intricate web of consciousness in which we exist. Every soul participates in and receives from this collective field of awareness. This shared consciousness encompasses our societal beliefs, cultural norms, collective attitudes, and the invisible boundaries between acceptance and rejection. Each individual both contributes to and draws from this energetic pool of shared understanding. Aquarius illuminates this container of collective consciousness and reveals how we might transform it from within. This sign awakens our capacity to challenge established paradigms and create solutions that transcend conventional wisdom. It guides us to access our innate genius and perceive reality through previously unexplored lenses."

~Spirit Daughter

Chinese New Year: January 29

Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, begins on Wednesday January 29, 2025, coinciding with the Aquarius New Moon, making this a powerful time for new beginnings. This celebration marks the start of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, aligning with the first new moon of the year. It’s a time of renewal, reflection, and hope, where we honor the cycles of nature and invite prosperity, health, and harmony into the months ahead.

2025 ushers in the Wood Snake, a sign known for its wisdom, intuition, and transformative energy. The Snake invites us to shed old skins—outdated beliefs, habits, and attachments—while embracing deeper truths and spiritual growth. Wood, as an element, symbolizes growth, flexibility, and creativity, suggesting a year that emphasizes cultivating patience, long-term vision, and nurturing relationships.

Chinese New Year is deeply rooted in family, gratitude, and intention-setting. Families clean their homes to sweep away stagnant energy, decorate with red for good fortune, and share meals to foster connection. Traditional customs include giving red envelopes filled with money (symbolizing blessings) and honoring ancestors. Spiritually, this is a time to align with the natural rhythms of renewal, much like the Aquarius New Moon, which calls for fresh visions and revolutionary ideas.

"Lunar New Year 2025 falls on Wednesday, January 29th, and celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on February 12th.

Celebrations last up to 16 days, but only the first 7 days are considered a public holiday (January 29th–February 4th, 2025).

Chinese New Year marks the transition between zodiac signs: 2025 is the Year of the Snake; 2024 the Year of the Dragon."


"The Year of the Snake can be a year for thinking and consideration that suggests a quieter experience than 2024 Year of the Dragon. Snakes have wisdom but they are also dangerous. It will benefit us to focus on what we want to learn and how we would like to apply what we learn and at the same time be aware of what is going on around us. With wisdom and insight we can avoid getting caught in the various traps that have limited us in the past."

~Anna Chapman

Imbolc: February 1-2

"Imbolc means “in the belly” and celebrates the Celtic goddess Brigid, who is the goddess of inspiration and creativity, healing, smith craft and poetry.  In ancient times Imbolc was celebrated as a time to reaffirm life and start thinking about the coming harvest season.   As Christianity spread from Rome to northern Europe and the British Isles Imbolc was adopted as Candlemass, still celebrated on February 2.  

Imbolc Symbols

Colors:  White, Red, Pink, Black

Foods:  Baked goods, winter vegetables, seeds, dried fruit, butter, milk, cheese, lamb, mutton

Stones:  Amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, onyx, ruby, turquoise

Symbols:  candles, cauldron, chalice, cow, sheep, swan

Flowers & Plants: Snowdrops, angelica, basil, bay laurel, celandine

Deities: Brighid (Bride), Aphrodite, Eros, Hestia."

~Mabon House

Visions of Being Human | Crystals for the New Moon in Aquarius

"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."
Peacock Chalcopyrite 1-1.75"

Peacock Chalcopyrite | Chalcopyrite, also known as Peacock Ore, has a rainbow metallic luster and is a stone for happiness and joy. It reminds us to be grateful for all we have. It helps ground the nervous system which calms the body. It teaches us to utilize our knowledge wisely and helps us develop on our spiritual path. This mineral makes an excellent meditation stone, and increases our perceptive abilities. It assists us in receiving ethereal energy to bring information to ourselves and others. Chalcopyrite can be used to break up energy blockages. It is a powerful energy conductor. It can increase energy and vitality, and shield the wearer from negative effects of lengthy periods of stress.

Peacock Chalcopyrite |

Blue Goldstone Bracelet Large

Blue Goldstone | A stone for health. Blue Goldstone is glass infused with copper particles, creating the visual effect of a starry night sky. Assists in finding light in the darkness and making wishes. Use this stone during meditation for protection of psychic sensitivities. Copper content promotes healing, generates energy and stabilizes emotions.

Blue Goldstone Bracelet

Aquamarine Rough 0.5"

Aquamarine | A light blue colored stone of courage.  Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Clarifies perception and sharpens the intellect. Useful for closure on all levels.  Promotes self-expression. Soothes fears and increases sensitivity.  Sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance.  Shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm.

Aquamarine Rough Aquamarine Bracelet

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.

Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Imbolc Altar Under the Aquarius New Moon

"A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly."
~ Rumi

Setting up an Imbolc altar is a sacred act of aligning with the energy of renewal, light, and the subtle yet powerful transition from winter to spring. This altar becomes a reflection of both gratitude for what has passed and hope for what is to come.

Begin by gathering symbolic elements to adorn your altar:

  • Fresh Herbs and Sprouts: Represent the promise of new life and the growing light. Consider using rosemary, basil, or other herbs that thrive during the season.
  • Candles: Imbolc is a celebration of light returning to the world, so candles are essential. Use white or pale yellow candles to symbolize purity and the sun's gentle reawakening.
  • Winter’s Farewell: Honor the passing of winter by incorporating natural elements like dead leaves, twigs, or dried brush. These remind us of the cyclical nature of life and the beauty of release.
  • Brigid’s Cross: Place a Brigid’s cross at the center of your altar. You can draw one on paper, craft one from straw, or use branches tied with string. This powerful symbol invokes the blessings of Brigid, goddess of inspiration, healing, and fertility.

Activate your Altar:

  • Light the Candles: Say a blessing as you light each one: “I light this flame in honor of Imbolc and the Aquarius New Moon, inviting inspiration, clarity, and renewal into my life.”
  • Meditate or Reflect: Sit before your altar, focusing on the balance between Imbolc’s gentle nurturing energy and Aquarius’ bold vision for the future.
  • Offerings and Gratitude: Leave offerings of herbs, food, or written prayers to honor Brigid, the moon, and the intentions you’ve set.

This altar serves as a focal point for your rituals, a space to reflect, and a reminder of the balance between honoring the past and embracing the future. As winter unfolds, come back to this altar with visions for spring, and illuminations of the light to come.

May clarity guide your vision, inspiration spark your heart, and the seeds of your dreams grow with the returning light.
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