New Moon in Cancer | Friday 7/5/24 at 3:58 PT

"My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world." ~ Dejan Stojanovic

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go."
~Hermann Hesse

New Moon in Cancer | Friday 7/5/24 at 3:58 PM PT

This new moon in Cancer, set your intentions to become clearer; cleanse your energy as you would your living space.  Set boundaries to speak your mind and share your feelings. Reevaluate what gives you a sense of self.


Being a Cardinal Water Sign, and the cardinal sign of Summer, the new moon in Cancer helps to attune us with our feelings, and to nurture our intuition, as well as ourselves. It promotes the exploration of our emotional state(s) of being, including how we interact with loved ones, and creates a space for spiritual ‘maintenance’.


Remember to nurture yourself as you would others in your life. Break free from anything, or anyone, that no longer serves you or reflects your values. Feel, release, let go.


A new lunar cycle begins when the Sun and Moon align in sensitive Cancer at 3:57 p.m. PDT this Friday, July5. With the luminaries tightly opposing Ceres in Capricorn, we may experience a challenge to our self-worth at this time, to the extent that we have based our value on outer accomplishments. 
This New Moon calls us to strengthen our capacity for self-love while also allowing ourselves to be supported by others.Thankfully, the Sun and Moon are also in harmonious trine aspect to Saturn in Pisces at the time of the lunation. This aspect increases emotional stability,helping us be more objective about our feelings, while also encouraging us to find practical ways to increase our sense of inner security.

~Pam Younghans

Cancer Season ushers in a time to slow down, be patient, and feel. The last three months were a whirlwind of energy. They brought us new beginnings and changes in perspectives, and they taught us things about ourselves we had forgotten. Cancer Season is all about slowing down long enough to feel the emotions we have conveniently avoided until now. It’s a time to be patient with ourselves, to receive soul nourishment, and to feel safe in the face of our own emotions.

The feeling encouraged by Cancer’s energy is raw, untamed,and primal. It’s the kind of feeling that makes you scream with joy and rage.Or cry for hours with no reason why. This type of feeling does not ask why or look for points of origin. It just occurs. It comes from deep within, and we might not even know what it’s about. That’s ok though. Cancer just wants us to feel.


This New Moon on July 5th is conjunct the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius. In the constellation Can is Major, it is almost twice as bright as Canopus the second brightest star.


Other facts about Sirius: it is 25.4 times more luminous than the Sun and its radius is 1.71 times that of the Sun. Why mention this? To point out the exceptional opportunity this ‘increased light’, due to it’s association with the Sun/Moon conjunction, will afford all of us for greater clarity and revealing our own (individual and collective) Truth. We cannot not be honest with our selves!

~Anna Chapman

Balanced Emotions, Empowerment, and Unconditional Love | Crystals for the New Moon in Cancer

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."  

Moonstone | With it’s connection to the moon, this stone helps us tap into our emotions, and to navigate their depths, keeping them in balance. Working with Moonstone promotes intuition and spiritual growth. It also enhances inner reflection and serenity.

Moonstone Bracelets | Moonstone |

Selenite | A natural at removing negativity, Selenite brings forth divine light, which can be harnessed to clear spaces, and even other crystals. It is a stone of empowerment and helps connect one to their Higher Self. Helpful in preventing psychic attack, as well as not taking on the emotions and energies of others.

Selenite Bracelet| Selenite Crystal | Selenite Sphere|

Rose Quartz| A stone of unconditional love, Rose Quartz encourages compassion and understanding. Working with this stone helps you to physically embody love and to live in your heart space. Open your heart to all kinds of love, and nurture yourself, as well as others in your life.

Rose Quartz Bracelets| Rose Quartz Earrings

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

New Moon Rituals

"Under the nurturing light of the New Moon in Cancer, we are reminded that growth begins in the depths of our emotional seas, where healing and renewal find their birthplace."

1.       Create an altar. Choose items that symbolize nurturing, healing, healthy emotions, a happy home, self-love, and water. Light a silver or white candle. Add moonstone, rose quartz, and selenite. Add a list of your intentions and recite them aloud.

2.       Call on guidance from a higher power to better navigate your emotions, create balance, set boundaries, and to love yourself and others unconditionally.

3.       Make moon water. Place a water-filled ja routside in the moonlight. Place clear quartz on top of the jar and your written New Moon intentions underneath. Let it charge and drink the magic.

4.       Sweat in a sauna, relax in a bath, or take a dip in the ocean (or nearest body of water) -- make sure to connect with the water element!

5.       Bath Ritual recipe: Burn some Palo Santo. Add to the water: white roses, Himalayan salts, moonstone, rose quartz, and selenite,as well as some geranium and grapefruit oils. Lay back and enjoy.

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