New Moon in Cancer July 2 at 12:16pm PT

“The energy of Cancer is gathering in your circle. It is comforting, compassionate, and nurturing. It knows how to create safe spaces—the womb, the sanctuary, home. It communicates through emotions. It is intuitive, creative, and sensitive to the child within.” 

~Dana Gerhardt

The New Moon and total solar eclipse in Cancer arrives on July 2 at 12:16 PM PT.

new moon in cancer | july 2019

Officially initiating us into Eclipse Season, the new moon casts a shadow over Cancer’s seas. Eclipses reveal what we, too often, shove into the back corners of our lives. Under beds, in closets, in the creases of our folded shame, exists an immensity of energy that we can reclaim. The sun’s journey through Cancer already has a tendency to render us emotionally exposed, but when eclipses accompany it, they help us to eliminate the toxins that have seeped into our system, granting us a life-saving infusion. (excerpted from Chani Nicholas)Cancer is the archetypal mother, according to acclaimed astrologer Dana Gerhardt. At its best, the influence of Cancer means that you know what it takes to create a safe space, in your home, or any place of sanctuary. At its worst, you put up walls between yourself and other people. Stability in life requires that we hold both of these truths: our desire for safety and security, and our need to be in the world, to be around people, and the risks that those relationships may bring. We cannot refuse the blessings of life that are offered to us, although sometimes we wish we could hide and not take in anything at all.Fear feelings are a signal to open. With the strength of the heroic Mother, to open up and allow pain to flow through us, and be transformed into new life. This is a time for inner child work, for connecting with your emotions and invoking deep healing in the coming transit.Here are some ways you can honor and work with energies of this New Moon and Eclipse:~Embrace diving deep--actively dig around in your internal closets. Look under the bed with eyes wide open. Or invite and invoke what wants to be cleared and allow whatever show up to show up on it's own. Thank whatever shows up for showing up. Bless it. Release it. Reclaim the energy it held.~Allow release through deep breathing, movement, journal--whatever letting go, release looks like for you.~Allow release and emotional flow with nurturing salt baths--detox and show yourself self-love. Wrap your inner kid up in a warm, fluffy towel.~Slow Down. Rest More.~Be in nature so that your brain, nervous system and body can integrate the shifts

*I am a radiant being of light, I warm myself from the fire within and nurture myself from a home that is never empty--the heart."

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