“There is no planet sun or star could hold you, if you but knew what you are.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Photo Credit: @TheLunarCompanyTLC via instagram.[/caption]
The sign of Cancer represents home, family, the desire for safety and security, as well as traditions.You can use these affirmations as part of your healing work:In my heart, and in my soul, unmet needs are transformed into abundant loveI feel powerfully grounded and supported by my roots, my connection to Source, and the inner strength that is always with meWith my loving intention, and the support of a loving universe, I see beyond unhealthy patterns in my family, and envision a new life for myselfI choose to break the cycle of unhealthy patterns, to do the real work of Feeling and Healing I reclaim my freedom, and the freedom of all generations, with this brave and powerful decisionI reclaim my energy, my power and my peace~adapted from @petitetweeterThe New Moon in Cancer arrives at 10:33 AM PT on July 20th. Sitting in direct opposition to Saturn, this New Moon is weighty, serious, and wants us to honor the limits we have to work within. Not the best moment to begin something that needs to happen with speed, this New Moon is meditative, contemplative, and reflective. It uplifts what is slow and steady. It asks us to adhere to the lineages and traditions that are sound, sturdy, and adaptable enough to be a bridge between this moment and a future full of care for all. The second of two New Moons in Cancer in a month (the first was a solar eclipse on June 20th), we are getting a double dose of Cancerian wisdom; know how your origin stories are shaping your present moment. ~excerpted Chani Nicholas"Not much fanfare around this New Moon. No eclipse or solstice or exact conjunction to any important angles or fixed stars as we had in June. It is the second new Moon in Cancer this year. June 20th saw the solar/lunar conjunction at 0 degrees Cancer 21 minutes. The alpha and the omega we could say here. In the beginning (June) the moon was influenced by the moon, ruler of the first decant of Cancer while the ending (July), the last decant, is represented by Neptune natural ruler of Pisces the last of the water signs.Moon is our emotional, instinctive, instinctual self—in June, new moon in Cancer, we received a large dose of energy focusing on this area of experience. Neptune now alleviates the burden of self examination due to emotional upheaval, in favor of letting go of all things personal to feel the true lack of separation between “this one” and all else. We are offered a glimpse of the magic of freedom from suffering. The instinct is to be without boundary, without need to classify or identify. To not take things so personally.In the July New Moon chart there is a long trine—8 degrees between Sun/Moon and Neptune. Neptune only gently nudging these luminaries—a blessing and a whispering; to discover the treasures that lie within."The Moon XVIII of the major Arcana in Tarot rules the night the unconscious and represents our quest for freedom from the tyranny of the mind. It requires courage to plumb these depths, the darkness can be daunting. Fears are sequestered here. And yet, once we recognize that these fears are not of our making, that they are the product of conditioning we are freed from their grasp and free to gather the riches of these depths—stillness, peace, quiet that is the soul’s domain.~excerpted Anna Chapman
Opal | Intensifies emotions and helps to release inhibition. Encouraging freedom and independence, Opal aids in enhancing cosmic consciousness and intuitive ability. A great stone for creativity, Opal also increases a sense of spontaneity and expression of your true self.Selenite | Increases clarity of mind, helping to expand awareness of self. Attuning to the crown and higher crown Chakras, Selenite can aid in attuning to the angelic realm and connecting with other spirit guides. An excellent stone for meditation and general spiritual work, this stone also helps call forth Light; great for energy work and for use in cleansing/clearing work. Can even be used to re-charge other crystals!Moonstone | A stone of growth, strength and new beginnings. Imparting 'flashes of insight', Moonstone enhances intuition and promotes inspiration. This is also a great stone for imparting emotional stability and calm during stressful situations.New Moon Blessings!