New Moon in Capricorn | 12/30/24 at 2:27 pm PT

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake.” ~Francis Bacon Sr.

"Be so committed to your growth
You are willing to say no without guilt
And yes without fear."
~Spirit Daughter

New Moon in Capricorn | Monday 12/30/24 at 2:27 pm PT

"The start of the year can bring up many emotions, including pressure to declare resolutions. As you work with new Moon in Capricorn energy, know that it is an opportunity to form a lifestyle for yourself that holds space for your visions to evolve. Nothing is carved in stone and you are free to change your intentions at any point. You do not need to have it all figured out right now. Just focus on how you want to feel over the next year, and the details will fall into place.

During the new Moon in Capricorn, create some structure in your life that can help you remain accountable to yourself and aware of the vibration of your day. We change over small increments of time through focus and commitment.

Most of this change occurs through daily explorations of feelings, thoughts, and energy. Furthermore, this is ultimately what we want—small shifts that we can process, integrate, and solidify. When we change too much too quickly, it can rattle our systems. Consequently, some of those changes don’t take hold permanently."

~Yoga Journal

"Capricorn is a sign known for its ability to capitalize on the reserves it can get its hands on. Capricorn wants to utilize the tools it totes and see what can be made of what it owns. Marked by the cautious constraint of its ruler, Saturn, Capricorn has a tremendous reserve of energy incubating internally. A lone wolf, Capricorn is a deeply spiritual sign with an introspective, contemplative and inner-directed temperament. Often depicted as a sea-goat, the half-fish-half-goat mascot reflects Capricorns’ ability to dive deeply into their internal oceans of psychic energy as well as the ability to traverse the heights of the toughest terrains of accomplishment. In short, Capricorn is no joke.

Each of us has our own way of connecting to the wisdom inherent in us. Each of us has that journey to take. Each of us is given the task of renewing our relationship to the resources that we came in with. Capricorn simply looks at the task head on and says, “Let’s get it done.” This no nonsense approach is what many of us need in the face of our emotional entanglements. Sometimes we just have to decide that we have what it takes and stick to our resolve that we will work it out"

~Chani Nicholas

"The Capricorn New Moon invites us to renovate our commitment to what is valuable to us and get clear about what we aspire to build during 2025 and beyond. This event is an opportunity to redefine success on our own terms and renew our relationship to responsibility. The Sun and the Moon are going to form sextiles to Saturn in Pisces, the planetary ruler of Capricorn. This configuration supports our capacity and willingness to be perseverant and determined in materializing our dreams and visions."

~Moon Omens

"As we move through Nature's Arc of Change, we are now on the other side of Winter solstice with the seed of light growing imperceptibly day by day. With the New Moon in Capricorn, we have strong earth energy supporting us to create those necessary conditions. Capricorn is represented by the agile and sure-footed mountain goat / half fish who steadily ascends steep cliffs and jagged terrain with focus, willfulness, and determination while listening deeply to the inner guidance.  Capricorn ascends by taking one small yet sure-footed step at a time.

This Capricorn New Moon invites you to get really honest with yourself about what's important to you, how you want to use your precious energy, and toward what larger vision (hopefully Sagittarius helped you to define this). Having a clear sense of who you are and what you're in devotion to is absolutely critical for manifesting the visions we carry for our world. It's important to acknowledge where you are now and how you've changed so that you can work with the materials that are here with you now. The light of your longing is your inner compass and the steps you take toward nurturing that becomes your devotional practice.

Capricorn is an earth sign that is supporting you to create necessary structural changes for rebirth. Give your whole focus to taking the next step, and making it your prayer, infusing it with your heart's devotion."

~Way of Belonging

Grounded Knowing | Crystals for the New Moon in Capricorn

"The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived."
~Robert Jordan
Large Fluorite Towers

Fluorite | A stone of insight, focus and cleansing, it promotes spiritual development. Known to bring a sense of peace, especially in times of stress. Fluorite brings mental clarity, and helps us develop & maintain positive structures in life. It increases self confidence and aids in decision-making. A balancing stone, it encourages positivity and grounds spiritual energies.

Fluorite TowersFluorite TumbledFluorite Bracelet


Garnet | Garnet is a deep red stone that cleanses and re-energizes the chakras, enhances creativity and brings inspiration. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion, as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion, in all aspects of life. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Garnet can ground us into our practical mind, and physical environment. Garnet can help sharpen perceptions of one’s self, and others. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.

Garnet Rough | Garnet Bracelet | Garnet NecklaceGarnet Earrings |

Hematite Tumbled 1-1.75"

Hematite | Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. It is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Hematite can help one to find their own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control.

Hematite TumbledHematite Bracelet |

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.

Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Restful Devotion: A New Moon in Capricorn Ritual

"Devotion begins at home, inside your own awareness."
~Debbie Ford

To honor the darkness of winter and the upcoming new year, let's take inspiration from nature and engage in some intentional rest - infused with devotion and sacredness.

While so much of the messaging we receive around this time is telling us to do more, start anew, and reinvent ourselves - what our bodies are actually craving intuitively is more rest, drawing inward and taking time to just be.

As you settle in for a mini hibernation, create the most comfortable environment for yourself. Perhaps have a bubble bath beforehand, make yourself a nourishing beverage, and create a nest of soft blankets and pillows. Get into your coziest pajamas, and gather any books, movies, or art supplies you might like to have near as well. While you prepare your space, infuse this practice with devotion to sacredness and grounding. Reflect on how you can turn rest into a devotional practice.


  • How can I let this rest be an offering to my highest self or to the world?
  • How can I make this rest intentional and meaningful, no matter how simple?
  • How do I want to infuse rest more into my life, especially into the winter season?

Get cozy in your nest, sip your tea, and perhaps hold a crystal or sacred object, allowing the stillness to ground you. Visualize yourself walking a path illuminated by honesty, focus, and devotion.

Say aloud or silently:
"As I rest, my body and soul regenerate. With each breath, I rest in my truth. With each breath, I honor my purpose. With each breath, I create the seeds of meaning."

If you'd like, check out this recording that will lead you through a Constructive Rest practice.

Consider for your self, beyond this moment of intentional rest, how you expand on this rest ritual? How else can I practice restful living in creative ways?

“Treating each other and ourselves with care isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we’re going to thrive. Resting isn’t an afterthought, but a basic part of being human.”
~Tricia Hersey, Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto

May this New Moon in Capricorn align you even more deeply with your destiny and desires!
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