"To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are." ~ Roy T. Bennett
“I am a magnet for positive energy, attracting blessings and opportunities into my life effortlessly.
I release all fears and doubts, stepping into my power with confidence and conviction.
Each day, I am expanding into the highest version of myself, radiating love, light, and positivity everywhere I go.”
“When Leo meets the New Moon, our hearts expand, and our truths reveal themselves. This New Moon is the time to declare who you are both to yourself and the Universe. It's a time to express your deepest desires and lead yourself forward from your heart. The Leo New Moon brings many feelings and energies around who you are and who you want to become. It's an opportunity to decide what parts of yourself are ready for the world to see. Give yourself permission this New Moon to be your most authentic self and decide what that means to you. Challenge yourself to make decisions around how you want to express your creativity in new forms that highlight the person you are in your heart.”
“This week, the New Moon in Leo wants you to set bold intentions when it comes to your radiance, vitality, and that “special something” you bring to the rest of us. Dare to be the drama the world needs now. Radiate your star quality. Recommit to making your creative talents manifest in the world.”
During this New Moon, allow the beautiful aspects of Leo to shine into your family, home, creativity, the children, and your self-expression. Begin the process of planting seeds for the final harvest of the year and let your creativity run wild! We are also entering the Lion’s Gate portal which culminates on 08/08 as we begin with this New Moon in Leo.
Leo invites us to be true to ourselves and notice where we are giving away our personal power - its power reminds us that we are usually the ones that hold ourselves back from our truest nature, because of fears, especially around judgment. Paradoxically, we often forget that others hold the same fears, and we spend energy worrying about a judgment that does not exist, and if it does exist, certainly doesn’t matter.
"Express yourself through art and style, enjoy romance and playtime, spend time with kids, take a leadership role, host and attend glamorous parties, find your place to shine."
Peak date on 8/8/24
“Eight is the Infinity Number, the number of wealth and healing, your options are limitless! It acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. Lion is strong, big hearted, magnificent! The Gate is powered by Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, about 25 times more luminous than our own Sun! It takes place when the Sun in the Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are lined up, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius. It aligns with the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Per Nina Kahn: Sirius is referred to as the "Spiritual Sun." It lights up the spirit and illuminates our higher-minded goals and ambitions. Every year, in the middle of Leo season, Sirius rises in the skies and becomes brightly visible over the eastern horizon.”
~Nina Kahn
“During this period, cosmic energies are believed to be heightened, offering a unique opportunity for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery. It is said that the energetic influx during this time facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and connection to spiritual realms.
Additionally, the manifestation capabilities associated with the Lions Gate Portal are rooted in Celestial Movements and various Laws of the Universe, such as the law of attraction and the law of assumption. As energies align, intentions set during this period are thought to be amplified, making it an ideal time for setting clear intentions, affirmations, and visualizations to manifest desires and goals.”
"Leo is all about creativity, self-expression, child-like enthusiasm, authenticity, bravery, and heart-centered truth."
From now until the Lion's Gate portal closes on August 12, leverage the natural manifestation power it offers by working with crystals. Opt for yellow or gold-colored stones to enhance the star-powered energy of this period and bring your deepest desires to life. Program your crystals with your new moon intentions, or create a crystal grid to focus and amplify your goals. Alternatively, wear an energetically infused bracelet with your chosen crystal to carry its powerful vibrations with you throughout the day.
Tiger’s Eye | Representing courage, strength, and personal willpower, Tiger’s eye balances both yin & yang, masculine & feminine. This stone enhances self confidence and encourages clear decision making, making it great for setting new intentions.
Tigers Eye Bracelets | Tigers Eye Palm Stone |
Citrine | This golden-yellow stone is the manifesting stone of personal will. It is sunny and optimistic. A feel-good stone for cleansing and regeneration. Promotes radiance from within the self by illuminating and clearing fundamental fears often stored in the root chakra.
Citrine Bracelets | Citrine Hoop Earrings | Citrine Clusters |
Sunstone | Sunstone embodies and radiates solar energy, with its bright orange color, offering warmth, joy, and strength. An excellent mood-lifting stone, it alleviates fearfulness and encourages leadership and independence. A stone of abundance, it is said to bring good luck and prosperity. Sunstone vitalizes the energy centers of the body, making it a very helpful stone for self-healing.
Sunstone Bracelets | Sunstone Crystals
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."
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Happy Leo season and Lion's Gate!
May courage fill your heart as your manifestations come to life.