New Moon in Libra | Friday Oct 16 12:31pm PST

"Hold on to what you believe. Trust what you know is there, even if you cannot see it right now. If there is no light around you, seek the light within. It will stay with you until the midnight hour passes and the first light of a new day finds you. And believe me, it always finds you."

Steven Charleston, Choktaw elder and author

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New Moon in Libra 10/16/2020 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Art credit: @tjthecrab[/caption]

The New Moon

A New Moon is a time of rebirth—, a time when we are given a chance to start fresh. On October 16th 2020, we welcome a Super New Moon in Libra. There is some dense, heated energy surrounding this New Moon. It feels a little harsh but also oddly magical.Libra is the sign of harmony and justice. It is always striving for the fairest possible outcome using the most peaceful possible means. It’s natural mode of living is in partnership with others. While all of this still applies, this particular Libra season lunation arrives amidst a sort of ‘astrological hurricane’.On Tuesday October 13th (three days before the New Moon in Libra), Mercury goes Retrograde in the sign of Scorpio, (joining Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, which are also retrograde).Having these planets in retrograde at the same time is a challenging combination and may make us feel like we are taking steps backward not forward!It can also add to miscommunications so be mindful of this if you need to have an important conversation.The Moon will find itself entangled in a mess of its own too, as it'll be locked in a tight power struggle with harsh planets Mars, Saturn, and Pluto, which can bring up rage, resentment, and rocky emotional waves.Because this lunation takes place in Libra, embracing balance in our lives is the key to coming out of this feeling empowered. Rather than putting up a fight against our frustrations, we should find ways to promote peace. Being diplomatic rather than aggressive will be more effective in diffusing drama and bringing about harmony. That being said, take a deep breath and summon your inner mediator as you weigh the gravity of each of your decisions.The October New Moon is a powerful one, so be gentle with yourself and remember, that the darkest nights often lead to the brighter mornings.

~Mama Luna

 The New Moon in Libra sits in between a square to Pluto and Saturn and is in opposition to Mars: not exactly its happy place. Serious about the transformations it wants us to make, the justice it wants us to seek, and the obstacles, conflicts, and contentions it wants us to work through, this New Moon is more about reading the room than barrelling forth with our own agendas.With both Mercury and Mars still very much retrograde, this New Moon isn’t an invitation to launch new endeavors. However, it is very helpful for uprooting subterranean power dynamics, confronting authority issues, and working through the many ways that unprocessed anger obstructs our path. (@ChaniNicholas)

The Libra New Moon is an opportunity for us to create balance in our mind, body, energy, and partnerships. It’s a time to define our relational space within ourselves and with others. This New Moon is highly aspected, meaning many other planets and their energy are involved.

This day may feel chaotic, tense, or emotionally overwhelming to your energy. Know that it’s all an opportunity for you to create harmony within yourself no matter what may be occurring around you. This New Moon encourages you to develop your toolkit of balance and use it when you feel your internal scales teetering to one side.


girasol |New Moon in Libra 10/16/2020 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Girasol | Gentle and soothing, creating peace, optimism and clarity. Girasol acts as a mirror, aiding one to see 'the other side', thus improving communication, understanding and empathy. Helpful for stimulating a deeper connection and instilling truth. Great for (re)establishing boundaries. Excellent for visualization and invigorating creativity. "I project truth."

lepidolite |New Moon in Libra 10/16/2020 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Lepidolite | A stone of transition, assisting in the release of negative behaviors, and encouraging self love and trust. Helpful for focusing on the 'important things' and soothing/reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite removes blockages from the past, and helps focus on a positive future, keeping you centered during the process. "I am centered."

peach moonstone |New Moon in Libra 10/16/2020 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Peach Moonstone | Brings soothing relief to emotional issues, promoting calming support, harmony and peace. Helpful for developing emotional intelligence; encouraging empathy for the emotions of others, as well as an understanding of our own. Peach Moonstone works with the Sacral Chakra to stimulate confidence and reignite passion for what makes you happy. “I feel calm and supported.”

I Affirm...

I am fair with all my dealings, professional or personal.

I am breathing in new life force energy every second.My emotions, thoughts, and visualizations are all breaths of fresh air.

I have a powerful mind which turns intentions into concrete, clear, and tangible manifestations.

I am dedicated to others and harmoniously build lasting foundations with heart.

I am the only one responsible for my choices.

Without confusion there couldn’t be clarity. Without chaos you could not create beauty or order.I am open and accepting of hidden truths.


Autumn Reflection | Walking Meditation

As you walk through this day, feel where your energy may be weighed down or anchored. What is taking you out of the present moment and disturbing your peace? What do you have too much of? And what do you need to rid yourself of to create balance in your world? Know that you have three months of Autumn to clear yourself of any energy that does not support your soul’s evolution. Consider this time a detoxification of your mental, energetic, and physical body. Embrace changing habits, patterns, and even balancing partnerships to better support your growth.

~Spirit Daughter

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