"The Pisces New Moon is a magical time to feel your intuition and open yourself up to universal guidance" (Spirit Daughter) Learn about the New Moon in Pisces, which crystals to best support your growth, and how to work with your dreams to strengthen your intuition!
“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
"We conclude the astrological year with the most mystical season of all: Pisces. Often symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, Pisces represents the ocean. It is vast, limitless, and seems to connect everything. This season is a time for healing. It can show us where our deepest wounds lie and give us the tools to heal them. This period is also a time to simply be. It is an opportunity to be the witness of our lives and watch our energy unfold.
Over the season, we are encouraged to observe the constant fluctuations of our minds and hearts. Instead of reacting to them, Pisces compels us to observe and learn about them. The true gift of this season teaches us how to surrender to the flow of life. Pisces reminds us that we are not in control of the events around us, but we can learn to ride the waves with grace and ease. Open your mind to this final season of the astrological year and allow it to expand your consciousness as you reach for the depths that only Pisces offers.
The Pisces New Moon is a magical time to feel your intuition and open yourself up to universal guidance. Like many New Moons, it's an opportunity to set intentions that call in the vibrations needed to manifest your dreams. On a Pisces New Moon, though, the cosmos supports you in leaving room for what you can't imagine. It's a time to be fluid with your intentions and feel that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe."
"The main planetary action happening around this Pisces new moon is a conjunction with Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system which, in astrology, represents fortune and expansion. It's considered a benefic — a planet with a favorable influence — and moving through Pisces since late last year, it's exalted, which means it's able to most fully express its energies. In other words, Jupiter can bring even more abundance and magnification while it is in Pisces.
Jupiter is the planet that compels us to want more and to think bigger. So when it pairs up with the new moon, it'll stir up even more emotion in whatever area of life — aka house — Pisces rules in your natal chart. This moon is an opportunity to take note of whatever's coming up for you and channel it into an intention that will ultimately manifest Jupiter's luck. And because the planet of fortune will connect with the sun three days after the lunar event, a lovely blast of confidence and vitality could serve to reassure you that you're right on track."
"Pisces New Moon at 12 degrees 7 minutes is an expression of the limitless, unbounded whole. Pisces New Moon with absence of light promotes seeking ‘answers’ from the light that is ever present, that shines from within. The desire is to expand our capacity to radiate that automatically contributes to a pervasive ‘lightening’.
Amethyst | A stone of happiness and cosmic love, Amethyst alleviates grief and dispels negativity. This purple stone activates spiritual awareness and encourages spiritual wisdom. Work with Amethyst to enhance your intuitive abilities, and when you are seeking to better recall and understand your dreams.
Aquamarine | A stone of courage and safety, Aquamarine reduces stress and quiets the mind. This light blue-green stone imparts serenity and balance for those who are emotionally sensitive. Aquamarine promotes acceptance and helps to overcome judgment. It is also a good crystal to help with self-expression and meditation.
Lapis | A stone of protection, Lapis guards against psychic attack and blocks negativity. It releases stress and brings a sense of peace, while encouraging self-awareness and self-expression. This deep blue stone may inspire creativity, honesty and speaking one's truth.
The energy of Pisces puts us more in touch with our emotions, and this upcoming new moon in Pisces is a time for listening to your intuition, and trying out practices that tap into this innate sense we all have, to pick up on subtleties beyond what lies on the surface.
There are many pathways to intuitive development--meditation, working with numerology, consulting oracle cards...Our dreams, too, offer a source of significant images and feelings. When we dream, we are not only processing and integrating the events of the day--we also gain access (albeit limited) to our subconscious mind and our deepest inner wisdom.
If you are interested in working with your dreams, Rose Inserra has written several illuminating books on the subject. In "Dreams: What Your Subconscious Wants to Tell You," She uses the metaphor of Theseus and the minotaur to describe our own journey of self-discovery through dreaming:
"Legend has it that the Minotaur, which was half-bull, half-man, lived in a labyrinth on the island of Crete. Every year, or nine years depending on the version, the monster demanded a sacrifice and seven young men and women were sent into the labyrinth to their death. The hero, Theseus, decided he would kill the beast and found his way to Crete to pose as one of the volunteers. By the hand of fate he met Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, who fell in love with him and agreed to help him.
Ariadne gave Theseus a spool of thread as he entered the labyrinth and held onto the other end. In the darkness of the labyrinth, Theseus slew the Minotaur and followed the thread back to where Ariadne was waiting for him. The dark underground labyrinth represents our unconscious minds waiting for a glimpse of activity in order to awaken from its inertia and rise us through the subconscious into consciousness. The lifeline that Ariadne gives Theseus can be seen as a symbol of our dream threads, which connect us to our deepest intuition as represented by the Minotaur, which is half-animal.
The thread allows the hero to return safely. In the same way, it is safe for us to go deep within ourselves and journey back with the knowledge that we have learnt something more about ourselves. The trick is in having faith in the thread, and that when you are feeling lost in the dark it can guide you to some unknown part of you and back out to the light again.
'Fil d'Ariane' or 'Ariadne's thread' is what French cave divers call the guideline that they lay when cave diving so they can find their way back out no matter what the conditions--where there is no light, silty dark water, or just endless chambers that resemble one another.
Dreams are also threads that lead somewhere. Part of you is holding that thread so you can complete the dreaming process safely. You can glimpse your intuition from your dream world and treasure the magic it brings to your waking life. With this intuition you can gain entry further into the underworld, and return safely as you follow the thread out."
Of course, an intellectual understanding is just one part of the picture--There is also a heart-centered understanding that comes from direct experience and practice. After reading the passage above, you may decide to start keeping a dream journal, and see where your dreams may lead, or what intuitive wisdom there is to be gained from this sort of exploration.
1. Describe the dream. Write down the dream as soon as you wake up, using as many details as possible or share your dream with someone. Note the settings, people and characters, objects, emotions, actions. Write the dream in the present tense. This brings you back into the total experience of the dream and recreates it.
2. Bridge the images. Connect the images to specific situations in your waking life. Does the theme remind you of anything or anyone in your life? Find as many connections as you can.
3. Record your emotions during and after the dream.
4. Reflect on your dream. What is the dream asking you to do? Consider acting on the advice of your dream. What lesson have you learned?
In the New Moon, be attentive to your sense of intuition--listen to yourself, and be open to unexpected messages from within. Let the energy of Pisces inspire you to embrace your sensitive side, and draw strength from your innate powers of perception.
"Being the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces has gone through the passages of each of the 11 previous signs...When the world seems in chaos, a Pisces is the sign that will often be calm because it knows from collective memory how things will work out."