"It is only by having dark shadows that we can appreciate the light." ~Madeline L’Engle
"Now is the time to find courage and ambition with every part of who I am. I find these qualities and use this new moon to rebirth from the depths of fearless and take what is mine and use it as my fuel to move closer and closer towards what I desire. I allow the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth to empower me, to liberate me, knowing that there is never any wrong and right, there is only trying again. When life gets rocky, I lower and anchor deep down within. I find the stillness that no one or thing can take from me. And it is done".
Scorpio Season calls us into transformation, inviting us to explore our inner depths and uncover what no longer serves our soul’s journey. Known for its intensity, Scorpio energy encourages courage and honesty, challenging us to release past patterns and embrace renewal. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, this season is a time for both inner alchemy and self-empowerment, as we shed what holds us back and rise, like a Phoenix, into new strength and purpose. As we journey through this time, we are reminded to hold onto the balance found in Libra Season, staying centered and grounded as we work through Scorpio’s transformative energy.
"New Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio the sign that has three levels—scorpion, eagle and phoenix. With keen and penetrating insight they travel from the depths of the psyche wherein may lie significant darkness up to the light of the fires that illuminate the phoenix. In Scorpio we experience the cycle that is birth, death, rebirth and the transformative process that guides us to pure knowing. There is a deep understanding in Scorpio of the interconnectedness of all of life; that all of us journey through the basic stages of existence. Scorpios often generously offer themselves as vessels of strength and healing that the rest of us may come to see the deeper reality that they know to be true. The sign of Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. In this New Moon chart there is an exact opposition of these two planets at the final degree of Capricorn and Cancer respectively, 29 degrees. The final degree of a sign indicates knowledge of ‘what has come to pass’ and the knowledge that change is inevitable. If there is anything left to be integrated regarding one’s understanding in either of these two signs we best do it quickly. No time to waste! The opposition gives us insight into the nature of both signs and both planets."
"Scorpio Season pulls us into the depths. Here we are shown the shadows of our own inner worlds reflected in pools of mirrored water. We walk into the underworld, willingly, as we confront the parts of ourselves that stand between us and our self-transformations. It is in the space that we find our power — our will. Ruled by Mars and Pluto, alike, Scorpio reminds us that evolution is only possible in the face of moving on from stagnation. We are told to let go, release, and allow the pains of the past to burn so that we can be reborn — rising like a Phoenix from the ashes. Scorpio is Fixed in nature, creating throughlines of sustainability. Healing and growth are ongoing practices. As we go through the next few weeks, we are told to reinvent ourselves and find beauty in our soulful power. We are told that we can be baptized by fire, only to come out of this time stronger than ever."
"Scorpio Season is a magical time that brings us the opportunity to face our deepest shadows, accept them, and grow with them instead of away from them. This season teaches us how to become our own shamans, alchemists, and psychologists as we travel to the deepest layers of our beings. As the Sun sits in the energy of Scorpio, it brings us the courage to face our whole selves and a willingness to be honest about every aspect of our energy. This season feels very intense at times as we ride the waves of Scorpio, but the turmoil is worth it, as we discover forgotten pieces of our souls and heal the foundation of our hearts. As we begin this new season, take the calmness and balance you found in Libra and hold on to it. It is from this place of inner harmony that you can truly begin to do the work Scorpio Season offers. Return to your breath and your body when you need to, and always remember that you have the power to return to peace."
"We are assisted in our process of self-discovery by the Sun's ingress into perceptive Scorpio this Tuesday. Scorpio is a very complex and somewhat enigmatic sign; this is reflected in the fact that it is the only sign of the zodiac that has more than one animal symbol. All signs have both a higher-vibrational and a lower-frequency manifestation, and we are always given the choice of which end of the spectrum to embody. With Scorpio, our options are clearly represented by its two main symbols: the Scorpion and the Eagle. Both of these creatures are powerful and intense, but each in a different way. The Scorpion is known for its resilience and its capacity to defend itself. It lives in darkness, hiding under rocks or in burrows. Its virtues, when taken to an unhealthy extreme, manifest as being overly guarded, suspicious, manipulative, or vengeful. The stinger on the Scorpion, which is used for protection and also to hunt, contains a poisonous venom. This represents the toxic nature of holding onto anger and resentment. The Eagle nests high in the trees and is known for its clear vision. As it soars above the landscape, it sees the darkness — the shadows in which the Scorpion lives — but it also sees and is drawn upward to the light. The Eagle represents the ability to rise above obstacles, to be free of attachments, and to gain spiritual enlightenment. A third animal symbol commonly associated with Scorpio is the Phoenix. This creature, which bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes, represents the transformational process of death and rebirth that is part of the Scorpio experience. As the Sun transits the sign of Scorpio, from October 22 to November 21, we likewise are experiencing a death and rebirth. Our tasks during this time are to maintain the higher perspective of Eagle, to use the tenacity of Scorpion to stay aligned with our inner truth, and to let go of attachment to the old forms so that the new may be birthed. It is especially appropriate that we are working with the effects of the Mars-Pluto opposition while the Sun is in Scorpio. The two planets are the “co-rulers” of the sign, due to embodying its traits of intensity, willfulness, courage, and passion."
"Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough."
The New Moon is a time of rebirth, a time we are gifted, a chance offered to start fresh. This month the New Moon occurs in the passionate and regenerative sign of Scorpio. It is a sign of the zodiac that rules the reproductive organs, our genes and our bones. Being ruled by the planet Mars it is the sturdiest of water signs and known to be quite intense, and it is a powerful sign of resilience as it invites us to honour the more serious elements of our life. If Scorpio were a mantra, it would be birth, life, death, rebirth.
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
Onyx | Strength-giving and protective, this black stone promotes vigor, stamina, and steadfastness. Onyx imparts self-confidence, and aids in learning lessons. It is a useful crystal for centering and aligning with higher powers. Onyx promotes recognition of personal strength, and helps guide decision-making. Brings good fortune, used to attract money and stabilize finances. Work with Onyx to release patterns that no longer serve.
Rainbow Aura Agate | Rainbow Aura Agate will raise your vibrations, and help you connect and communicate with the spiritual realm with ease. Also provides assistance to help ground, balance, and center you. It can nurture insight, energy, excitement, compassion, and joy.
Obsidian | Born out of lava, Black Obsidian has the potent energy of the interaction of the elements of fire, earth, and water. Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone that facilitates facing up to one’s true self, and increases self-control. It is also a powerful protection stone--Use as an energetic shield, to repel negativity and disperse unloving thoughts. It also provides support during change, and aids in releasing imbalances and negative energies.
Obsidian Rough | Snowflake Obsidian Bracelet | Evil Eye Candle with Obsidian
Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.
"I am formulating healthy relationships with my shadow while maintaining control of my emotions."
This New Moon in Scorpio ritual combines the transformative power of shadow work, ancestral connection, and water purification, honoring the watery, shadowy nature of scorpio season, and the spirit of this time of year as the veil is thin for Samhain, Halloween, and Día de los Muertos. The ritual will help you explore your inner shadows, connect with your ancestors, and cleanse your spirit for renewal.
1. Prepare your sacred space
Set up a small altar with your candle, bowl of water, and any items that represent your ancestors (photos, mementos, food, or objects that remind you of them). Light your sage or palo santo and cleanse your space and yourself, visualizing any stagnant or negative energy being cleared away.
2. Begin with ancestral connection
Light your first candle in honor of your ancestors. Take a few moments to call in the ancestors along your lineage who are available to offer loving support. Speak a simple intention, such as: "I call upon my ancestors and guides who walk with love and wisdom. I ask for your guidance as I journey into my own depths.” Feel their presence around and within you, grounding yourself by placing your hands on your heart. Whether you have a strong connection with your ancestors or not, feel into the long lineage of souls, known and unknown, that you descend from.
3. Shadow work reflection
Now, light the second candle, which represents your journey into your depths, the beginning of your shadow work. Take your pen and paper, and write down any limiting beliefs, patterns, or fears that have been surfacing recently. What has been creating shame for you lately? What voices are living within you? Scorpio energy encourages the release of deep-seated emotions, so be honest with yourself. Reflect on these shadows until you feel complete, acknowledging their presence without judgment.
4. Water cleansing ritual
Holding the bowl of water, imagine it absorbing and purifying the energy of your shadow aspects. Submerge your hands in the water, or if possible, use a natural water source like a river, lake, or ocean. As you dip your hands, visualize the water drawing away any heaviness, cleansing you and offering renewal. Whisper: "I release that which no longer serves me. I embrace transformation and clarity."
5. Ancestral blessing and affirmation
Take a final moment to connect with your ancestors. Express gratitude for their guidance and acknowledge their place in your life. Speak a closing affirmation, such as: "I am guided by the wisdom of those who came before me. I release fear and welcome transformation, trust, and renewal.”
6. Close the ritual
Extinguish both candles, letting the water remain on your altar for the evening to absorb any lingering energy. The next day, pour it onto the earth as an offering, symbolizing your transformation and gratitude.
Trust in your depths, and embrace the magic unfolding within and around you. Happy Scorpio New Moon!