New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15

I invoke the spirit within me to swim to the depths of my soul I allow my darkness the room to breathe as my inner light illuminates all. I release any lingering fear of illusion. I am learning …

I invoke the spirit within me to swim to the depths of my soul
I allow my darkness the room to breathe as my inner light illuminates all.
I release any lingering fear of illusion.
I am learning more about my deepest and rawest emotions,
and am coming to the surface renewed and ready for change.

~The Moon Tarot

New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara


The New Moon in Scorpio arrives at 9:07pm PT on November 14th. When Scorpio meets the New Moon, magic is in the air. This Moon is perhaps the most intense, but also the most transformational of the year. It is a time to hunt down your fears and face your demons as you unbury your hidden truths.

This Moon is an opportunity to change your patterns and create new ones under your conscious control instead of reacting in your usual manner to emotions. The key to understanding the Scorpio New Moon’s gifts is to embrace and trust the process of what unravels. This Moon is about the process, not the results. It’s a time to feel into each step of your evolution and stay completely present instead of focusing on the finish line.

Scorpio teaches us that everything is energy, even emotions. You have the power to transmute any feeling into something else. You are not a prisoner or held hostage by your feelings. They are something you can master and even use for fuel to create a new experience. The process of transforming your emotions starts with your reactions to them.

On this New Moon, feel into the energies that always seem to block you or slow down your progress. Then look at how you react to these experiences. Find where these emotions live in your body and identify their triggers. What brings them
out? What behaviors from yourself, or others, elicits an emotional reaction from you? Are you reacting from a conditioned set of patterns that no longer apply to your life?

Adding to the magic and energy of this day is Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. The Moon and Sun are forming a sextile aspect with these two planets. Sextiles occur when cosmic bodies are 60° away from each other. It is a harmonious aspect and adds collaborative energy to this New Moon. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It reminds us of our potential and the infinite possibility of our lives.

Jupiter in Capricorn is reminding us to reach for our greatest visions and not sell ourselves short. Jupiter expands everything it touches. In Capricorn, it brings our focus to our life’s work and asks if we are aligning with our highest purpose. Jupiter reminds us that we can achieve incredible feats, and when we pair this with our work, we can change the world. In Capricorn, Jupiter encourages us to break free of expectations placed on us from society and instead align with our own inner brilliance.

Pluto is adding energy to this New Moon, reminding us that transformation is a cycle of life. It is not a straight line, but rather a spiral that can make us feel like we are going backward when really we are moving forward. Pluto also teaches us this New Moon that every ending gives way for a new beginning. Feel into what is ending in your world and what is shifting.

Notice if you are holding onto energies that would serve you better if released into the fires of your transformation. Shifting your vibration often requires that you say goodbye to some habits, patterns, and even people. Pluto is encouraging us to transform on this New Moon and evolve into the next level of our being, even if that growth is uncomfortable.

~Spirit Daughter

Read Anna’s article here for more astrology.


New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Charoite | With the support of Charoite, relax, let go, and see the present moment as perfect. It assists in lessening expectation and demands, and letting go of criticism, both internal and external. Charoite helps one to accept their sense of self and to assist in finding perspective, unconditionally accepting what is.

New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Labradorite | A stone of transformation, Labradorite is excellent for developing intuition and promoting psychic ability. It helps to banish fear/insecurity and the strength to persevere through change. Ideal for seeing through illusion, Labradorite instills trust in the universe, enthusiasm for newness, and stimulates the imagination.

New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Spirit Quartz | In the Book of Stones, Naisha Ahsian describes this crystal as “a hundred-voice choir singing in harmony.” Its resonance is spiritually uplifting, radiating high-vibrational energy in all directions, and is a perfect ally in aligning the aura, chakras, meridians and the physical body, as well as carrying the gifts of Spirit out into the world. [Ahsian, 376][Hall II, 300] Spirit Quartz aids in developing psychic ability and facilitating dream states and astral travel. It is also excellent for instilling patience as well as acceptance of a situation ‘as it is’.

It’s a time to understand endings lead to beginnings and beginnings to endings. Riding these cycles is how we transform and evolve. It’s also how we take our power back when we feel weighed down by the world. Feel into your power this Season and rise to a new level. Spirit Daughter

Transformation Tarot Spread

New Moon in Scorpio | Sunday 11/15 | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Thalia Took’s ‘Death Card Spread’

This spread is for dealing with change and recognizing your initial reactions to it.

Shuffle the deck and lay out the cards per the diagram at right.

Card 1: This card is the change, the Death. This is the sun setting, the inevitable force that cannot be stopped or slowed.

Cards 2, 3 and 4: These cards represent things that have died, aspects of yourself that are gone or have been cut off. They can represent your innocence, ignorance, blind faith, control, something in its bloom. Name them.

Card 5: This card represents the person you were before, that which you no longer are.

Card 6: This card represents you just after the change, ways to mourn, sorrow to acknowledge before you can go on. Also acceptance or ways toward acceptance.

The Scorpion Evolves

Scorpio is most often represented by the scorpion, but it is also associated with the Serpent, the Eagle, and in its most enlightened form, the phoenix. “The phoenix is the ultimate goal as a Scorpio. The mythical phoenix is destroyed and rises above its own ashes (another Pluto trait).

Life is hard. A Scorpio knows how hard life can be. But when a Scorpio reaches the symbol of the phoenix, he or she has achieved a mature, stable, and comfortable life in the face of difficulties. Knowing they can survive anything, Scorpios at this point don’t bog themselves down with petty arguments and plots of revenge.

The phoenix has risen above all that nonsense, adopting a “live and let live” attitude, and once again, trusting the universal balance to handle affairs of revenge and violence. The phoenix is the most peaceful of the Scorpio symbols. The older Scorpio has usually achieved this based on all of life’s lessons.”

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