New Moon in Taurus May 9th, 2013 by Anna Chapman

Taurus moon light constellation

New Moon in Taurus May 9th, 2013: What does bullish determination get you?New Moon/Solar Eclipse: May 9th, 2013 @ 19 degrees Taurus8:28 p.m. EDT 5:28 p.m. PDTThere is an aspect of this New Moon/Solar Eclipse that takes us back to our roots, when we rose out of the ocean to meet an earthly existence. When man was building pyramids, the sign rising at the vernal equinox was Taurus, earthy, fertile and powerful. Destined to achieve success through determination. The sign rising presently on March 21st is Pisces and in a few hundred years will be Aquarius (there is debate concerning actual dates). What wisdom have we gained in 6,000 years and how can we apply this to our present situation?With the Sun/Moon conjunct the south node (approx. 2 ½ degrees) we are whisked back through time, stimulated by the Solar Eclipse extinguishing the light of consciousness on its journey to emerge once again into a new cycle of experience; an opportunity to reflect. Mercury also conjuncts the South Node and acts as guide as we traverse areas of human need, desire and longing that have informed us for thousands of years. Taurus worked hard to establish foundations for security and a sense of self worth here—providing the self with the means to survive partially responsible for a positive sense of self worth.These days it has become so much more complicated as the actual ability to survive has morphed into a search for more than a roof and a meal. Our expectations for material things, most definitely a characteristic of Taurus, has put us in an awkward position where we are hardly our own masters. Instead we are run by a need to have the latest technology and convenience. More stuff, more financial responsibility and less time to consider the true nature of our existence. We move deeper into a debt that cannot be resolved easily. The debt is to our habitual need for more as though that is what will give us peace or happiness.For the next several days we may be plunged further into the chaos of wanting with stubborn opposition to whatever stands in the way or we can remember where we’ve been for the last 6,000 yrs., what we have been accomplishing and decide whether for you, another way would lead to inner peace and the kind of knowingness that results in an immovable sense of security and self worth, knowing that I am “that” and the only action required is to rest in this truth. With Mars also in Taurus the Bull can be seen grazing contentedly, savoring the experience of pleasure in simplicity rather than the maniacal, bullish need to acquire.The North Node in Scorpio is an interesting point to examine here and is rather adamant in its stance—whatever it is, you can’t take it with you. From this may arise the question and what then do we take with us? Absolutely nothing except that which is our true nature. That which we are always, never changing, never moving and maintenance of which there is no effort required. For which the thought of self worth is clearly an illusion and an artifice to serve a human desire to define it self in a temporary world where existence is an elusive creation of the ego looking for ways to perpetuate it self. No wonder we live with fear and anxiety. We attempt to create permanence in a dream that dissolves as soon as we wake/die. We may as well attempt to capture a bubble rising from a bubble wand or hold onto a sunrise or think that I am this body/mind.Just hours prior to the Solar Eclipse Venus, ruler of Taurus moves into Gemini and thank goodness for that—this measure of curiosity and restlessness actually serves to move us away from such a strong desire to cling to old familiar patterns in favor of whatever bright and shiny lies within reach. With the abundance of light being showered upon us from sources beyond our normal range of sensitivity but definitely within grasp of our extrasensory perceptions, we can flit about happily knowing that there isn’t any where that we might trespass that is not in alignment with our highest good. When surrender, accept and allow describe your general attitude toward evolution resistance expires and you transcend—grace and ease dominate. And Taurus loves grace and ease! The ultimate reward for a job well done or of knowing that there is nothing that need be done. I am perfect as I am—“that”.There is not a fixed star residing with this New Moon but a fixed star does conjunct the North Node, a strong magnetization in the direction of that which is for our highest good. Zuben Elgenubi is the brightest star in the southern claw of Scorpio or what now is thought of as the southern scale in Libra. Zuben Elgenubi relates to the Lunar mansion or nakshastra called Vishaka, the ‘gateway’ and the Hindu gods Indra and Agni, thunder and rain and fire respectively. There is an indication here of a transmutation process underway that leads to ability to travel through the gateway, we would assume from a place of relative ignorance to inhabiting wisdom and peace. To do so we undergo a test that requires us to release excess baggage or have it destroyed as part of the alchemical reaction that occurs as lead changes into gold.The reference to Zuben Elgenubi as a star in the southern scale of Libra reminds us of the Egyptian practice of weighing the hearts of the dead in order to gain access to the afterlife. If the heart was heavier than a feather, access was not permitted as only truth is weightless as a feather. The southern scale is where the ‘price to be paid’ is measured while the northern scale is ‘the price to be received’. It would appear then, in this story that by transcending our pasts and leaving the unessentials behind, we will be light enough to be admitted to ‘the afterlife’. (The flaw in this story is the suggestion that there is something we need do to gain admittance. Do not be fooled, everything happens in perfection, just let go.) Our desire nature is what determines the perpetuation of the experience here. If there is anything we still want when we leave, they say we will return to be satisfied and that weighs more than a feather.Have a look at the axis dominated by this New Moon, nodal position, in your own chart to determine where in your life it would be beneficial to release and surrender and attend to it in a way that is appropriate for you at this time—one step at a time. It is never the difficult task we imagine it to be. On the contrary, it is as simple as not thinking that it is any-thing but rather that it is no-thing

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