"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I wake up with this new moon. To my needs. To my responsibilities.
To the fact that my life is a precious gift that I am committed to making the most of.
I wake up to the fact that it takes great courage to live life with depth.
I wake up to the fact that I’d rather work through my fears than live a shallow existence."
The Virgo New Moon is all about setting intentions that reflect your worth. Furthermore, it’s about feeling worthy of your intentions, knowing that when you do, they manifest. The Virgo New Moon is the time to feel your power to create your life. You direct it, you choose it, and you manifest it. You own the power to materialize any energy you desire as long as you feel worthy of it. Feeling worthy of your intentions and the life you know you were born to live can require healing. As you write your intentions this New Moon, ask yourself if you truly feel worthy of them or if something within you needs healing for you to own your visions. There are many reasons we may not feel worthy of our visions. We may think they are too grand for us, or we may carry shame about a past event, or we may have been told by someone that we weren’t good enough.
The Virgo New Moon of September 2 opens the Eclipse portal, as it begins the lunar cycle that peaks with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This event invites a renewal of our daily habits and of our relationship to work and service: it is a reminder to cultivate discernment and an opportunity to commit to taking care of ourselves and our health in new ways.
Virgo season reminds us to choose with awareness, to be discerning about what we consume, and to be conscious of how our environments, our food choices, the news, the people we spend time with, our sleep, our movement habits, and the way we choose to spend our days impact our wellbeing.
In the late summer, when the Sun is in the sign of Virgo, we have what is called a Virgo New Moon. This is always a time of new beginnings, and a time of a new emotional cycle. This New Moon is different in that we don’t plant new seeds; instead, we try to figure out what to do with what we’ve harvested. You’ll find yourself asking, "Where do I go from here?" The key is figuring out how to use what you’ve been working on to create a different kind of new beginning. Now that you’ve plucked that wheat the Virgo is known for holding, how are you going to use it?
“Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don’t plant anything but Love.”
Smoky Quartz | This stone is known to filter and cleanse energies from its immediate environment. It is a powerful stone for grounding and centering. An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics.
Smoky Quartz Tumbled | Smoky Quartz Bracelet |
Pink Calcite | Pink Calcite, or Mangano Calcite, is a powerful crystal for cleansing and amplifying energy. It is also known as a stone of forgiveness and unconditional love. It releases fear and trauma from the past, builds self-acceptance and self-worth. Relieving anxiety and tension, working with Mangano Calcite may prevent nightmares and dissolves resistance to change. Works best when placed on the heart chakra.
Amazonite | A stone of truth, honor, and trust; it can support our self-discovery, and embrace one’s own integrity. This stone brings compassion, along with intellect and intuition, allowing you to perceive a situation accurately from multiple points of view. Its soothing energy can calm the brain and balances the masculine and feminine energies.
Amazonite Tumbled | Amazonite Bracelet | Botanical Leaf Crystal Suncatcher with Amazonite |
Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
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"Making tea is a ritual that stops the world from falling in on you.”
Purpose of this Ritual: This ritual is designed to ground, heal, and set intentions for growth and well-being, aligning with Virgo’s earthy and nurturing energy.
Materials Needed:
You can use one of the herbs above, or you can simply use what you already have on hand.
1. Cleanse Your Space: Use incense or essential oils to cleanse your space, creating a peaceful and sacred environment. Arrange your candle, flowers, and any other spiritual items in your meditation area.
2. Brew Your Tea: Go about brewing your tea in whatever way works for you. As you prepare your tea, focus on the healing properties of the herbs. Imagine the tea absorbing the earth’s grounding energy, infusing it with your intentions. While the tea steeps, visualize the Virgo New Moon’s energy cleansing and healing your body and mind.
3. Set Intentions: Before sipping your tea, hold your cup close to your heart. Reflect on what you wish to cultivate during this lunar cycle. Think about areas of your life where you seek healing, improvement, or clarity. Silently or aloud, state your intentions. For example, “I intend to nurture my body with healthy habits,” or “I embrace clarity and organization in my daily life.”
4. Mindful Sipping: Take slow, mindful sips of your tea, savoring each moment. With each sip, imagine your intentions being absorbed into every cell of your body, grounding you and aligning you with the energy of the Virgo New Moon. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to be impacted by this practice of slowing down.
5. Reflection: After finishing your tea, take a few moments to journal about what came up for your. Write down your intentions, any insights you’ve received, or reflections on areas in your life where you seek healing or improvement.
6. Close the Ritual: Thank the Virgo New Moon for its healing and grounding energy. Extinguish the candle, feeling grateful for this moment of connection and clarity. Carry the energy of this ritual with you as you move forward, embracing the qualities of Virgo in your daily life.
May you find grounded alignment in this Virgo New Moon!