New Moon July 27th, 2014 @ 5 degrees Cancer 37 minutes 04:08 a.m. EDT 01:08 a.m. PDT by Anna Chapman

New Moon July 27th, 2014 @ 5 degrees Cancer 37 minutes 04:08 a.m. EDT 01:08 a.m. PDT

Tripping Over Joy

What is the difference Between your experience of Existence And that of a saint?

The saint knows That the spiritual path Is a sublime chess game with God

And that the Beloved Has just made such a Fantastic Move

That the saint is now continually Tripping over Joy And bursting out in Laughter And saying, “I Surrender!”

Whereas, my dear, I am afraid you still think You have a thousand serious moves.

~Hafiz,I Heard God Laughing: Poems of Hope and Joy


The title for this New Moon is ‘sweet surrender’. In the early degrees of Cancer when the soul is vulnerable to all the external stimuli and still basking in the love-light discovered upon the recent venture into familiar and comfortable interior caverns. Gentle, tender wrapped in your arms safe and loved you unfold, surrendering to the glow of love that radiates from your heart. Love flows everywhere—no boundaries. Incapable of turning the tide of pure emotion, you rise and fall, the ocean, inhales and exhales so consistent, eternal, where can there be fear in such Love? Only knowing soothes the mind, rocks the mind into obedience.

Stillness penetrates deeply in the darkness. Thoughts are absorbed into soft mesh, the fabric of consciousness that slowly lets go of all the debris collected over numerous ages of participation. You are free, limbs search for ground in the void only for a moment. Without thinking, the need for ground suddenly has no meaning. You move with the rhythm of truth, guided by the essence that is your nature. No thinking necessary. No problem solving, planning, pretending. From the cocoon you emerge and fly for the first time with the Beloved as your guide.

During this New Moon prepare your self for a dip into the well of divinity and see if it doesn’t usher you into life anew—softness, kindness, caring and easing into everyone and everything you meet with out resistance. The Crab is being coaxed from its shell by the forces of the deep. Neptune’s powers of persuasion are based upon the desired dissolution of any harsh or hard elements standing between you and your liberation. You will gladly be wooed by this immensely attractive influence. Not to become prey to but to become one with. Frivolity rejected in favour of intimate excursions, explorations of each petal as it unfolds and watching as it floats downstream and finally out of sight.

There are very few distractions now unless you go looking for distraction. There is little to call you in any other direction as your direction stands out as clearly as one cloud slowly spreading its edges across the sky, so thin that white becomes blue and is lost.

These few days before and after the New Moon put us in touch with Yin energy—gentle, sensitive, compassionate with appreciation for the human condition and wanting to engage from a place of peace rather than conflict. It emphasizes Love and receptivity and a willingness to ‘sacrifice’ what does not serve the highest good.

Wherever this New Moon falls in your own chart will generate deeper consideration of those aspects in your life.

1st House: The Self. Be sure to allow your self the time and space for inner reflection.Self inquiry—who is this ‘I’? A different process than getting your feet right way up after first arriving.

2nd House: Self-worth and security. Big issues around how you perceive your self and place in the world. This may show up as emotional insecurity. Stay focused knowing that thoughts are based on the past and none of it is true in this moment.

3rd House: Communicating the Self. Some of your basic ways of expressing your self with others may come up for review. Don’t take things personally. Remember that you are wearing your heart on your sleeve.

4th House: Home and Emotional Expression. A sensitive house as it is our roots, the Mother. Matters of Self nurturance and feeling—loved and accepted or not. Again be prepared for deep connections to how you feel without becoming engrossed in the past. The moon does represent past patterns. Here they come up for review.

5th House: Self expression, Self realization and Romance. Obviously the combination of the Sun/Moon here in Cancer is a great opportunity to stand up and Be ‘it’. No words necessary fortunately. Its all about what comes from the Heart and in this case it is only Love. On a mundane level it certainly will achieve a lot in terms of any relationship plans you have.

6th House: Mentoring, Work, Health. So, realize that you are vulnerable. Take care of your self. The tendency is usually to look after others first but in this case, you are number one then everyone else and they will show up for a good shoulder—yours is it.Also the house of small animals. They may show up too.

7th House: One on one relationship. Marriage house. Kindness and caring of those with whom you relate on a personal level. Lucky them! Do not allow your incredibly sensitive and perceptive self to be disillusioned by what may look like the opposite coming from partners. It gives you the chance to Be Love regardless of what comes at you.

8th House: The cycle of humanity and others possessions. Sex/sexuality. Super sensitivity and heightened awareness of the needs of humanity. Everything you give out comes back tenfold. The desire to give may be outstanding but be prepared to receive the same. Be aware that whomever you connect with sexually will have a deep impact on you energetically. If it is not someone that is committed you may feel loss at their leaving.

9th: The Holy Grail. Higher Self. Internal drive for Self realization and an interest in exploring whatever channels will carry you to ‘higher heights’. Setting out on a journey or quest for the apparently elusive freedom to BE and a strong inclination to share that with others, to shine your light and spread the Truth. People will be attracted to your confidence and your inner peace.

10th: Recognition. Career/Ambition. Structure of humanity. There is no holding you back! Your ability to affect those around you, to add to the expanding sense of community and awareness of what it takes to truly make a difference may bring you recognition for services rendered. Global healing through Love is the motivating factor for which you may find your self feeling enormous gratitude.

11th: Community. Goals. Friends. Feeling a deep connection to humanity and aspiring to engage with everyone in brotherhood/sisterhood. We are all in this together. We are all the same. Many hands joining together in Love and peace. Feeling the strong bond that unites us all. Love elevates us to new heights of human expression and freedom.

12th House: Absolute. Not two. Knowing. There really are no words to describe the 12th house adequately. Why is that? The 12th house is what remains after one can no longer describe anything about our true nature. Here there is a deep knowing and anything that stands in the way of that will be seen as worthless—a frightening process for some. Fear may arise as a result. It will pass as it is seen that there really is nothing to fear and that vulnerability is necessary to freedom.

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