New Moon March 20th by Anna Chapman

new moon in pisces

New Moon March 20th, 2015 @ 29 degrees 27 minutes Pisces 05:36 a.m. EDT 02:36 PDT

As freely as the firmament embraces the world, or the sun pours forth impartially his beams, so mercy must encircle both friend and foe.

~Friedrich Schiller

The last degree of the zodiac! and combined with a Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox. This would appear to be a pivotal point in the journey. As things are only getting better (climbing out of the Kali Yuga) this must mean an end to a collective pattern that has long created limitation here—could relate to our concept of suffering—the Pisces/Virgo axis is associated with serve and or sacrifice. As we have neared this check point, the feeling is one of needing to let go; the of what? is not specific just that we cannot continue without divesting our selves of whatever ‘nasty’ habits are still tagging along.This of course in the best of all possible worlds! And yes this is!The New Moon chart is dominated by 5 planets in water (all in Pisces) so we can be sure that our emotional natures will experience an overhaul as we drift into deeper and more intimate levels of expression. To begin with, friends and family are recipients to this desire for a more compassionate exchange and then the effect trickles outward to include those with whom we have even brief encounters—more tolerance, patience and a feeling that we are all in need of greater understanding as we traverse this sometimes rocky terrain.Saturn now retrograde, trines the Sun/Moon and lends a degree of added responsibility to our efforts ensuring that we not dawdle or become distracted from our ‘goal’. Saturn also is inconjunct (150 deg.) to Venus which makes connecting with what we may desire a little more challenging. If there is a sense of frustration regarding making things happen for your self, shift your attention to the ‘big picture’, broaden your vision and allow your self to go with the flow.Pluto/Uranus are in the final stage of squaring off completing a cycle of structural upheaval and dissolution that with the help of Jupiter right now moves everything in a direction of action executed wisely and for the highest good.Mars in Aries continues to blaze a trail of adventurous, daring discovery of Self within this expanding territory of human experience.[caption id="attachment_10211" align="alignright" width="232"]

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click to enlarge[/caption]If we look at the 3 harmonic charts related to this New Moon chart we can see more specifically what our potential is (5th harmonic chart) our test (7th harmonic chart) and our vision (9th harmonic chart) as relates to this powerful event.A reminder that the harmonic charts are arrived at by dividing the 360 degree astrological circle to arrive at the various aspects used to examine a chart. The square aspect for example is 360 degrees divided by 4=90 deg. To look at the 4th harmonic chart or any harmonic chart requires a mathematical process that happily is now performed by computers.The 5th harmonic = the quintile or 72 deg. and was considered to be a minor aspect. As we relate this aspect to the potential of an individual it would really have as much influence as other aspects. Quintiles in a chart become conjuncts in the 5th harmonic chart. Quintiles demonstrate where an individual has ‘potential’ to successfully move beyond any challenging aspects and embrace what is new and represented by the North Node sign and position.In the 5th harmonic chart there is a potential to review belief systems from a place of limitlessness while allowing the innate truth to permeate the process all driven by the energy of compassion motivated by Mars in Cancer trine Pluto in Pisces—rising above the animal nature.The 7th harmonic = the septile or 51.428…also a minor aspect represents the tests one overcomes on the way to utilizing considerable gifts and talents. The 7th harmonic chart for this New Moon has 6 planets in water and 0 in fire. We are transformed not by the fires that purify but by emotional maturation that opens the heart, the waters that flow unimpeded by thought.The 9th harmonic = the novile or 40 deg. wherein lies the vision of the higher self. Awareness is compassion that ‘guides’ us to a place of absolute rest. Authority rests in awareness without need for control or judgment. Our vision is to be inspired by a moment in which we neither analyze nor define, free to simply experience what is here and to accept that.The point in the New Moon chart opposite the Sun/Moon is the midpoint between Black Moon Lilith at 19 deg. Virgo and the North Node at 10 deg. Libra. It is 0 deg. Libra 12 minutes. The release point for the New Moon is the point at which we understand the nature of duality—all things find their natural balance—like the tumbler of a lock falling into place—the door opens. All of our cells are set free. We complete. Patterns that have long influenced us, that have been held in place by billions of thoughts of the past disperse and dance uninhibited. For more information: Florian Schlosser The Trinity of Life stop seeking to perfect that which is already everything and therefore ‘perfect’ and peacefully reside in the stillness. The current is alive with knowing.

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