New Moon May 28, 2014 @ 7 degrees 21 minutes Gemini 2:40 p.m. EDT 11:40 a.m. PDT by Anna Chapman

new moon set your intentions

Finding the Words……that simply express--what deeply motivates you as you interact on a daily basis. Gemini can find numerous words to describe any situation. Like the crow they are attracted to everything shiny and like a rat they can collect; for Gemini moon collecting information that offers a sense of emotional security. As there is a square to this Sun/Moon from Neptune in Pisces ‘mere’ words will prove to be inadequate and your quest for stability will be unsuccessful if you continue to think that what supports awakening has anything to do with what can be found outside of one self. Information contributes to building structure that on the surface appears to support our existence but in no way express the truth of Being.At this time the illusion that we have constructed will sag, exhibit holes, deteriorate as the mind, that Gemini is famous for utilizing so adeptly, sees clearly its own limitations, dismantles it self allowing the light to permeate all things. All things are light and in that there is no separation. The mind rests and words become a tool for sharing the simplicity of what is, a very beautiful expression of that which motivates us on a deep level—inner peace. One word in the stillness has greater effect than any speech delivered from a scholarly pulpit. A single drop of water creates a ripple across the surface of a pond that like a mirror reflects to us who we truly are.With the mind at rest during this New Moon or at least, discovering what perpetuates disturbance and nurtures weakness/fear, a clearing out occurs as balance and peace spread across terrain that once rose and fell with alarming abruptness. The roller coaster ride ends. There is no longer a desire to experience the sensation of weightlessness that two opposing forces create. For this to happen, the opposing forces must be in perfect balance, a very temporary condition in duality. The gift of Gemini is the opportunity to realize that perfection is, and balance is—it is duality seen for what it is and knowing that that is not reality.A trine from Mars in Libra at this time lends energy to this recognition; to the ‘understanding’ that what we are not, the body, leads to not a complete demise of action but reveals that action occurs—not as a result of anything ‘I’ do but as the result of the constant eteranl flow of “that”, our true nature. There is “that”, includes time/space, they too are relative. The freedom that results, the liberty to Be, is peace, is love, is beauty and gratitude for this awareness is eternal.With Mercury at 29 degrees Gemini we can be sure that realization is the last bit of information that this sign assimilates. And with Venus at 29 degrees Aries we are aware of what truly motivates the individual here. These two planets hand in hand stimulate a powerful desire to overcome our attachment to who we think we are—this mind this body. We realize the truth of what we have been missing that replaces this notion that I can get it through anything this mind or body does. Words do not remotely enter into an understanding of that and the mind has no idea of what that is.

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