New Release: Discovering Your Soul Signature: A 33-Day Path to Purpose, Passion & Joy by Panache Desai

discover your soul signature

"Panache teaches from the wisdom of his loving heart, inspiring all who are receptive to discover within themselves their innately enlightened consciousness."- Michael Bernard Beckwith, Originator of the Life Visioning Process, Author, and Founder and Spiritual Director of Agape InternationalAn invitation to change the energy that surrounds you, find the harmony that comes with self-acceptance, and, in the process, discover your life’s purpose and the boundless possibilities that await you.Your soul signature is your spiritual DNA—it is who you are at your core, the most authentic part of you, your singular contribution to this world. And yet we reject our authentic selves. We allow our soul signature to become blocked by any number of emotional obstacles that life throws in our path: anger, fear, guilt, shame, sadness, despair. Any or all of these feelings overtake us and create a density, a heaviness that doesn’t permit us to embrace who we truly are, deep inside. We are energetic beings, Panache Desai reminds us, and emotions are energy in motion. When we are blocked we feel unworthy, less than, unloved, incomplete.In Discovering Your Soul Signature, Panache invites us on a 33-day path of meditations—short passages to be read at morning, noon, and night that are designed to dismantle the emotional burden that holds us back and open us up to changing our lives. Through this distilled, poetic, practical, and inspiring course, he invites us to live a life of authenticity, to rediscover purpose and passion, and to believe from our soul in the possibility of all things.Hardcover: $24.00

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