New: The Polishing Mirror by Ram Dass

The Polishing Mirror

Ram Dass has been the most influential person in my own spiritual development. I treasure his wisdom as well as his spirit. Let his words in this book enter your soul--for my friend Ram Dass is divine love personified.

Wayne Dyer, author of The Power of Intention

Moments of boundless love and realization do occur spontaneously, reflects Ram Dass, but it is our daily life practice that clarifies the mind and heart-and makes these experiences an abiding part of who we are.

For over five decades, Ram Dass has ventured across the globe, into the depths of consciousness, and along the path of service to others. With Polishing the Mirror, he gathers together his most essential practice-based guidance for living fully in the here and now.

Readers will find within these pages a rich combination of perennial wisdom, humor, teaching stories, and detailed "nuts-and-bolts" instruction on Ram Dass' most valued spiritual practices.

Hardcover: $21.95

For those both familiar and new to Ram Dass' teachings, here is this vanguard spiritual explorer's complete guide for polishing the mirror of the soul, discovering who we are and why we are here, and reflecting fully the light of our true nature.

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