If love is the heart of the person, discipline is the skeleton,giving a person form and protection.
~Henry Cloud & John Townsend
New Year Greetings to our friends and community!
Welcome to 2017!
While the year is still bare, bone-y and new, I find it a perfect time to dig digger in my core to find bedrock . After the tumult of this almost-done-with Fire Monkey year, I’m pulled back to basics. Back to rock. Back to skeletal structure. Back to bones and core values.
What is the skeletal structure that will underpin, support and sustain my actions in the world in the coming year? Am I listening to my inner voice and letting my goals authentically flow from a foundational source? How does this goal align with my purpose?
Yes, in the beginning there are always more questions than answers for me, but I find that without this excavation I can become a robotic doing machine and self discipline feels more like self punishment than inspiration. I’ve been thinking a lot about discipline lately. What’s still there after you have had a good shaking? What’s still there under all the outer stimulation and noise?
Recently, I came across this Stephen Covey quote: “If you are an effective manager of your self, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a disciple of your own deep values and their source.”
May you excavate and find the courage to devote yourself to your own deep values and their source.
May your foundation hold strong in the coming Fire Rooster Year…
May your year be filled with abundant love, wonder, courageous curiosity, and big laughter.
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found
Are you disciplined enough to be free?
Gabrielle Roth