News From Our Bookshop | Curated by Rebecca Traver Full Harvest Moon, October 2020

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities,but in the expert's there are few."

~Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

“Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source.As we move toward our dreams, we move toward our divinity.”

~Julia Cameron, It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond

This Harvest Moon / Full Moon has me in a deep inquiry about of the concept of Time - specifically the sense of ‘time passing’. As we observe the leaves turning color and loosening their hold on the branch, so may our attention loosen itself from the stories we have cultivated about the past.As we navigate this process, we might become easily distracted and fall back onto shadow comforts in order to cope with our anxieties around uncertainty. With Aries adding its fiery influence to the mix, we might find ourselves leaning more toward burning out rather than burning off whatever we are holding onto that no longer serves our flow and balance.Thus, the invitation is to return our attention to what best supports us. We may feel inspired to deepen our meditation or yoga practice, to explore something new, or to approach something familiar with 'beginner's mind'. We may also feel called to release the grip of what we habitually tell ourselves about our lives and, instead, choose to become open and curious about whatever it is that the present moment has to offer.Here is where the Wisdom of Nature shows us the way beyond the beliefs we may be projecting onto Life and toward the beauty of process as we navigate our way forward, supported by the great teachings and guidance of Mother Earth. If we can follow her lead and allow ourselves to witness and to be witnessed with sacred intention, our next best steps on the path reveal themselves with ease.As astrologer / author Yasmin Boland notes in her beautiful work Moonology: Working with the Magic of Lunar Cycles: “the work you do on yourself at the time of the Full Moon will be what stands you in good stead for manifesting your dreams at the time of the New Moon two weeks later.”I say, let’s honor the rhythms of Life, dream big and dream together, ever mindful of our singular experience within the collective. Who’s with me?

“Come a little bit closer, Hear what I have to say,Just like children sleepin’, We could dream this night away”

~Neil Young, Harvest Moon

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