Celebrating Gandhi’s Day of Birth, 10/2
Gandhi: A Manga Biography by Kazuki EbineThe life of a true twentieth-century hero told in a vibrant graphic novel format. Kazuki Ebine combines a gripping narrative with stunning illustrations to share Gandhi's inspiring and deeply human story with a whole new generation of readers.
Celebrating St. Francis Feast Day, 10/4
Francis Woke Up Early by Josephine Nobisso, illuminations by Maureen HydeAn exquisite new children’s book that imagines a moment from the boyhood of St. Francis of Assisi. The illuminations by Maureen Hyde are stunning and beautifully evoke the story.
A book by Paradise Found's original owner
Collaboration Soup: A Six-Step Recipe for Co-Creative Meetings and Other Conversations by Delia Horwitz & Paula VigneaultCollaboration Soup uses the metaphor of Stone Soup and presents an easy six-step recipe for creating the conditions to draw out the collective wisdom and brilliance of a group.
To ensure that a copy is available, call us before coming in!