One Heart by Teresa Taylor

I come as one, but I stand as ten thousand. 

Maya Angelou 

Greetings to our friends and community,Sitting under an almost full moon on a clear night, I feel some of my shock and rawness from the fire and the mudslide has dissipated. Breathing in the possibility of rain in the next several days, I begin to feel my body tense and my breathing tighten. I remember that if I am an anxious mess my ability to be of service is inhibited and hindered. These are the times that we do our practices for.As we each process and integrate all that has transpired in the past three months we are one, and, each of us is moving through the process at our own pace and through our own stages. We have all been transformed in some way; some with unspeakable tragedy, many with major disruptions, and all have experienced heart opening compassion.Love expands to include everything; compassion, pain, heartache, paradox, courage, kindness and gratitude.As you have shared your experiences of the past three months with us, we have been moved and inspired. We have seen that an important piece of what we can offer each other is to be compassionate listeners for each other; to witness and honor each other’s losses and support each other in coping with the ongoing uncertain future. This allows our experiences to breathe and be integrated in each through community.When The Spiritual Owl approached me with the idea of creating an evening of comfort, compassion and love for those affected by the fire and mudslide featuring beautiful offerings of music, song, meditation and spoken word from various guests and members of our beloved communities, I responded with a resounding yes. SOhO graciously came on board and the One Heart Community Gathering was birthed. There are so many beautiful ways that we have been in service to each other during these challenging times that I bow in awe and gratitude. With a big, open heart we invite you to join us Thursday, March 8. Please see the information in the sidebar.May all experiences be heard, honored and begin to come into wholeness.With great tenderness,Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise FoundWinter begins to fade. Spring begins to blossom. A cycle ends. A cycle begins. Look for signs of balance, beauty and regrowth.

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