One Taste: Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality by Ken Wilber

one taste

Just delving into One Taste: Daily Relfections on Integral Spirituality by Ken Wilber and I am finding it delicious...

Explore the thinking of one of this centuries great philosophical minds in an easily digested form.

Highly recommended.

"One Taste offers easy access to the rich cornucopia of Ken Wilber's transpersonal thought and extraordinary vision of How Things Are."—Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

"When a great mind like Ken Wilber's starts freely commenting, you want to be there! Wilber's brilliance pours out on every page—so it's both fun and profound. His work models what spiritual and intellectual life ought to be about."—Michael Lerner, author of The Politics of Meaning

"One Taste is a delectable expression of Ken Wilber's unitary vision, filtered through intimate spiritual-life experience. The entire book goes down easy and is one of the most interesting autobiographical writings among Western spiritual teachers and pundits today. A must see, must taste!"—Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening to the Sacred

Quality Paper $22.95

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