"Do not try to save the world or do anything grandiose. Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it. Only then, will you know how to give yourself to this world so worthy of rescue. ~Martha Postlewaite
"Devotion begins at home, inside your own awareness."
To honor the darkness of winter and the upcoming new year, let's take inspiration from nature and engage in some intentional rest - infused with devotion and sacredness.
While so much of the messaging we receive around this time is telling us to do more, start anew, and reinvent ourselves - what our bodies are actually craving intuitively is more rest, drawing inward and taking time to just be.
As you settle in for a mini hibernation, create the most comfortable environment for yourself. Perhaps have a bubble bath beforehand, make yourself a nourishing beverage, and create a nest of soft blankets and pillows. Get into your coziest pajamas, and gather any books, movies, or art supplies you might like to have near as well. While you prepare your space, infuse this practice with devotion to sacredness and grounding. Reflect on how you can turn rest into a devotional practice.
Get cozy in your nest, sip your tea, and perhaps hold a crystal or sacred object, allowing the stillness to ground you. Visualize yourself walking a path illuminated by honesty, focus, and devotion.
Say aloud or silently:
"As I rest, my body and soul regenerate. With each breath, I rest in my truth. With each breath, I honor my purpose. With each breath, I create the seeds of meaning."
If you'd like, check out this recording that will lead you through a Constructive Rest practice.
Consider for your self, beyond this moment of intentional rest, how you expand on this rest ritual? How else can I practice restful living in creative ways?
“Treating each other and ourselves with care isn’t a luxury, but an absolute necessity if we’re going to thrive. Resting isn’t an afterthought, but a basic part of being human.”
May this New Moon in Capricorn align you even more deeply with your destiny and desires!