This is our 4th Community Memorial Altar! Lovingly created by local artist and woodworker Rebecca Zendejas. We invite you to stop by and write the names of your loved ones who are in spirit form, and add them to the altar.
Join us October 26th - November 8th, to commemorate and honor your loved ones who are in spirit form. We invite you to stop by and add your beloved ones' names to the altar, and take a piece of rose quartz for emotional healing.
Local artist and woodworker, Rebecca Zendejas will be creating a Community Memorial Altar in our shop, inspired by the celebrations of Samhain, Dias de los Muertos, and the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls.
A universal symbol of transformation and hope, the butterfly has long been associated with the spirits of deceased loved ones in cultures across the globe. With this in mind, local artist Rebecca Zendejas approached Paradise Found the summer of 2020, with the idea to create a community memorial altar, inspired by the celebrations of Samhain, Dias de los Muertos, and the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. Since then, the creation of the altar has become a beloved annual event.