Kyanite-Stone of Meditation & CommunicationKyanite is a great stone to use for facilitating clarity of mind and enhancing meditation. It embodies the energy of a "clear channel" and can be used to release blockages- be they mental, physical, or emotional. It's energy is soothing and clarifying, and when used in meditation can help the user connect easily with their subconscious thoughts and spiritual guides. The same property makes it excellent to use for dream recall. The stone can be placed beneath the pillow to enhance the dream state, or held upon waking to help the user recall their dreams in more vivid detail.Kyanite is known to never hold negative energy, and therefore never needs clearing, although in practice cleansing the stones (running water, sage, etc) helps to keep them feeling fresh & happy. Kyanite can be used to bring all chakras into alignment, accessing the body’s inherent healing abilities, while bringing the energy centers of the body into balance. Kyanite has a tranquilizing effect, and is serene yet active, useful for gently releasing blocked energy and soothing stress. Kyanite helps the user to become more receptive to truth, and more receptive in general, which is useful when experiencing situations in which patience is necessary, and the time for action has not yet arrived. Kyanite is available in several colors, each with separate additional properties and uses.Black Kyanite- Grounding and aligning. Especially useful (along with other Kyanites) when the user is making the transition through life states. Excellent aid for the chronically ill, as it helps to purify the soul while easing the transition through challenging situations or death. Helps to release old pain while enabling the user to face all situations calmly and openly.Blue Kyanite- Most commonly available color of Kyanite. Blue Kyanite is one of the very best stones for healing the throat chakra & clearing blockages in communication. Helps calm and soothe the mind, cool excess heat in the body. Useful for healing the thyroid and immune system.Green Kyanite- Great for opening the heart chakra and connecting with nature spirits. Unites the heart chakra with other chakras, ensuring that communication comes from a heart based perspective. Opens the heart to recieve and give love freely, gently cleansing the heart of old hurts while inviting hope and joy to return.Orange Kyanite- Activates creativity and joy. Helps with confidence and finding unique solutions to problems. Can be used as a fertility stone, as it activates sexuality & purifies the second chakra. Good for all forms of creative work, helps generate ideas.Interestingly, while I was writing this article & meditating with a big pile of Blue Kyanite, my coworker kept saying the exact words that I was thinking, and then I wrote a note that was the exact phrasing that my coworker was thinking! We thought perhaps Kyanite’s property of bringing psychic information into conscious realization might be the culprit… pretty amazing stuff! Makes me think it might be very interesting to use in a group meditation…