Our magical crystal goddess Moorea has spread her wings and flown off to full time studies in preparation for her next chapter--university! Moorea has been a beloved, stalwart co-conspirator in the world of Paradise Found for 4 years now. Always ready to jump into whatever project we concoct together with joy and enthusiasm. It has been an honor and a privilege to watch her grow and develop into a truly lovely young woman who is up to big things. Please join me in holding the intention that she is accepted into her first choice, UC Santa Cruz. Watch out world--here she comes!I was digging through the archives of her articles and found this article from last January which feels just right for this year as well...After an eventful and challenging 2017, it’s time to welcome in 2018 with open arms and an open mind. Sounds easy enough, yet if we are to do this, and do it right, we cannot carry any outdated baggage with us. In other words, we are unable start a new chapter if our pages are full; so to assist in the process of releasing residual energy and negativity, the stone to work with for the month of January is Shungite.Shungite is an ancient healing stone, originating from old coal in Russia; it’s believed to date back 2 billion years. It is the only natural material known to contain fullerenes (aka Buckyballs), which work as powerful energetic shields and anti-oxidants. This property provides excellent protection from harmful EMF smog and geopathic stress. Fullerenes have been shown to cleanse water and infuse it with a positive healing vibration, so consuming water blessed with Shungite is the optimal way to hydrate and refresh a positive mindset. Using Shungite in your space helps to neutralize electronic waves from cell phones, TV’s microwaves and any other electronic devices, encouraging a peaceful atmosphere.
Working with Shungite on a daily basis will help reduce stress, remove toxins and relieve the user of unnecessary energetic clutter, helping achieve the goal for a fresher and lighter 2017. It can be used as an altar piece, cell phone tablet, brita/water cleansing additive, jewelry or pocket piece, so no matter your lifestyle, there’s a piece for you. May Shungite aid your transition into this new year with grace, optimism and ease.