Rocks that Rocks Us by Jessica Allen

Red Jasper~Stone of Support & Encouragement


A strongly supportive stone, Red Jasper is a helpful ally in any endeavor. It encourages the user to take positive action in any area of life, and works to affirm and establish feelings of security and strength from which to act decisively. Particularly useful for restoring emotional equilibrium, it is especially helpful in stressful situations where the outcome is uncertain, or when one needs extra encouragement to overcome adversity. It has the unusual ability to right injustices, and is helpful to meditate with when one feels powerless or is facing seemingly insurmountable difficulties. It helps ground one's energy while cleansing and aligning all the chakras; particularly healing to the root/base chakra.

I've found that Red Jasper is very helpful to hold when one is feeling emotionally "out-of-control". It dissipates negative feelings and helps establish a connection to divine assistance--truly helpful in finding a path when there doesn't appear to be one. It offers support during times of necessary conflict, and can be used as a talisman when one is being treated unfairly. It is soothing to the nerves and helps identify the root of any issue--which also helps to identify and shed negative behavior patterns that have been inherited from one's family line or previous generations. These qualities make it an excellent aid for those who suffer from domestic violence, or for children who are being bullied in school. It can offer relief from depression and anxiety, and reminds the user that they are responsible for their own destiny, and that they must take action in order to see their dreams come to fruition.


Red Jasper works to heal the Base/Root Chakra, which, as the name implies, is thought of as the "root" of the entire chakra system. Located at the base of the spine, it governs the sexual organs and is the seat of one's whole being. Strengthening and healing this energy center has profound effects on all levels--giving a firm foundation from which to live and act while establishing a connection to the power of the endless abundance of the Earth. Red Jasper can be used in any healing that involves sexual imbalance, and to dissolve guilt or shame stemming from past negative sexual experiences. It helps integrate one's own sexuality into the whole of experience and cleanses negative belief patterns about sex and sexual identity.

Red Jasper is also great for dream recall, and can be placed under the pillow or meditated with to encourage clear recollection of pertinent dream information. A great overall protector and strengthener--it can be used as a talisman to protect from danger, and for anyone that needs extra energy and strength while recovering from illness.

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