Rose Petals on the Path by Teresa Taylor

Like spring secretly at work within the heart of winter, below the surface of our lives huge changes are in fermentation. We never suspect a thing. Then when the grip of some long-enduring winter mentality begins to loosen, we find ourselves vulnerable to a flourish of possibility and we are suddenly negotiating the challenge of a threshold.

~John O’Donohue


Greetings to our friends and community,


As the swirl of old cultural forms and patterns continue to be challenged and fall away, I am taking heart and inspiration from the following October luminaries, saints and deities who have journeyed before us and left rose petals on the path for us.


May we call forth in ourselves, invite and invoke the steadfast courage and commitment of Gandhi to shine a way of powerfully confronting injustice and divisiveness in ways that allow the blossoming of nonviolent change. Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi day of birth is October 2. Gandhi envisioned a world where women and untouchables would be empowered and respected, and where members of all faiths would live harmoniously together. 


May we call forth in ourselves, invite and invoke the spirit of St Francis of Assisi and his commitment to the environment, to our fellow members of the animal kingdom, and to peace. May we be instruments of peace. The Christian feast of St. Francis is October 4.


May we strengthen our spines to be protectors of the powerless. May we be fierce in upholding justice and restoring cosmic order. May we be wise in our outrage and fierceness. October 10 to 19 celebrates the Hindu festival of the Great Goddess as Durga--Navaratri/Durga Puja, Durga is the warrior goddess, who combats evils and demonic forces that threaten peace, prosperity and goodness.


May we call forth in ourselves, invite and invoke the mercy and compassion of the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin, who has vowed to remain with us and hear the cries of our suffering, offering the balm of mercy and compassion. There has been deep suffering. October 27, is the Chinese Buddhist festival of Goddess Kuan Yin when Her attainment of Bodhisattvahood is celebrated.  


Amidst it all may we remember to be present to Beauty, Truth and Goodness and shine on.


I love the world,I love all beingsWith both hands, I make a vowMay all beings be free from sufferingsMay all beings be free from afflictionsMay all beings live in the path of compassion, love and peaceMay all beings live for everyone 

Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found

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