Season's Greetings December

It is our remembrance of what is good, true, and beautiful within the human spirit that infuses this month with meaning. ~Angeles Arrien

Season's Greetings to our friends and community,

As we continue our journey into the “dark” of the winter solstice, we can build on the energy of gratitude we generated at Thanksgiving to look inward and see how we will express the spirit of love and generosity in this Now. We can take moments for spiritual renewal and reflection as the year comes to a close even in our busyness; renewing our commitment to peace on Earth and goodwill toward all.

All cultures of the world give gifts as offerings of respect, love, good will, and gratitude. It seems appropriate, that in our culture, we start with Thanksgiving and then move into December as our gift-giving time. We give gifts to those we love, to those for whom we feel great gratitude, and to those who are in need/suffering. We give gifts as an expression of love, connection and celebration.

With “black this” and “cyber that” frenzy, it is easy to become cynical about the holidays. We at Paradise Found reclaim and choose to live in the spirit of the season. We celebrate gift giving in spirit, from spirit, for spirit. We celebrate gift-giving as generated by love, generosity, gratitude, and respect, rather than by a sense of obligation to participate in a meaningless ritual. We approach the holy days—holidays—with the spirit of generosity that comes from our connection to our heart as we honor what is holy in our lives.

And, we invite you to join us!

Teresa, Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found

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