"A cry to the sun, a hailing, is a prayer to the purest and simplest source of uncomplicated life. In Kabbalah, the ground of the universe from which all emanations proceed is called Ein Sof, or the endless light. This is the ground of every and all being. It is the starting and re-starting point for everything. When you re-set yourself for nobility, for valor, for generosity, you have nothing to explain. Start there. Restart there.
For one day allow yourself to be free and pure of heart. Unlike suppressing the shadow, this is one day of being released from it, a jubilee of feeling what it is like to live in full burning brilliance.So use the day to re-orient, to place your heart like a solstice stone. Punch the reset button. Let the light of the full-on sun sweep through you, clean you up and renew you: your brain and your heart and your values.
Ask yourself what you fully believe and what you want to be and be that."
Laura Marjorie Miller