Simple Techniques for Well Being--EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) developed by Gary Craig, Ph.D., is very useful for unblocking and healing strong emotions, fears, anxiety, emotional pain, anger, traumatic memories, phobias and addictions, as well as for alleviating body symptoms and pain, such as headaches and overall body pain. The technique is based on the theory of the energy field of body, mind and emotions, along with meridian theory of Eastern medicine.Problems, traumas, anxiety and pain can cause a block in the energy flow of the body. Tapping or pressing acupressure points connected with channels or meridians of energy can help move blocked energy in congested areas and promote the healthy flow of energy in the body and in mental and emotional fields. (Adapted with permission from the EFT materials of Gary Flint, Ph.D. Emotional Freedom Technique.)

EFT Practice:

1.Think of an issue to work with and measure your anxiety level:Choose to work with a problem, worry, phobia, anxiety, traumatic memory or negative self-concept.Using a scale of 0—10, measure the level of anxiety that you feel when thinking about the issue. (0 means no anxiety, 10 means extremely high level of anxiety).If it is difficult to quantify or measure with a number, use a simple scale such as: (none, small, medium, large) or (big to little) or (tall to short).

2. Tap the sequence of Acupressure Points 7-9 times:Breathe deeply and tap 7 to 9 times with index & middle fingers :Points above where the eyebrows begin - 1Points at the side of the eyebrows - 2Points below the pupils of eyes on bone - 3Point below the nose - 4Point below the lips on the chin - 5Points below armpits (about 4 inches down) - 6Points below clavicles on sides of sternum - 73. Tap point A at side of hand and say:Tap the Polarity Reversal Point A at the side of the hand while saying 3 times:“In spite of the fact I have this problem, I’m OK, I accept myself.”(Wording may be adapted for culture or age of person.)4. Repeat the sequence in #2 & #3Repeat sequence until anxiety level is down to 0-2.5. Rub the Sore Spot B:Rub or press the Sore Spot located on the left side of the chest about 3 inches below the left collar bone and 2-3 inches to the side of the sternum.

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