We follow a path through the heart and into the Presence. When we get to the Presence through the heart . . . yum, yum, yum! ~Ram Dass
Greetings to our friends and community,
As our beautiful blue-green planet continues her journey around the sun, the hours of daylight shorten until we reach the fall equinox (September 23) where the perfect equilibrium honors equal day, equal night. Balance. Energies shift; Summer completes and Fall is born.
As we journey along on the ride, we have the opportunity to complete a cycle and begin anew--as above, so below. We can use this transitional energy to take stock, to look and see what in our lives needs to go; what needs to be born; where will our personal balance be created.
Kirtan is an energizing and deep group practice of singing melodic chants that calm our minds, open our hearts, and boost our inner knowing. Typically, it is sung in call-and-response. One does not need to have a beautiful voice or any other particular attribute except a willingness to let go and allow the energy of the frequencies to do their work.
In my experience, participating in a kirtan has shifted my energy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, allowing for an easy release, a dropping into stillness, and a coming through the other side of that stillness into a new sense of balance and equilibrium, ready to create anew. What a perfect practice for this time of year!
Paradise Found and Sarah Garney, aka Bhakti Babe, along with sponsors Santa Barbara Yoga Center, Source Yoga Studio, and Yoga Soup; and contributor prAna at Santa Barbara Outfitters invite you to experience the power and magic of chanting with all-star musicians, Sita & The Hanumen, and your community.The date is Wednesday, September 14, 7:30 pm at Unity of Santa Barbara. See DJ Darren’s September music article for more information on the artists.
Let’s chant through to the Love…Hope to see you there!
Teresa, Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found