Solar Eclipse Evolution Essence Formula in now!

Before our astro-strategist, Ben Commons, left for Oregon to participate in the fullness of the eclipse, he and I had a fruitful conversation about eclipses. One of the things that stuck with me was paying attention to who and what shows up between eclipses. A week or so ago Camille Gilbert, a long time customer, showed up at Paradise Found with a bottle of solar eclipse evolution essence for the staff to experiment with. I've known Camille for many years and am clear about the research and heart she puts in her essences, so we gratefully received her offering. Wow! Oh, yes. Aligned. Clear. Purposeful. were some of our experiences.

So I asked her bring some to Paradise Found so we could make them available to you! They are here!

On August 21, 2017, the USA experiences its first Total Solar Eclipse since June 8, 1918. There will be a powerful grand trine of celestial bodies in all three Fire signs including the Galactic Center, the very center of our Milky Way. The GC represents the evolutionary fire that streams forth to all stars, planetary bodies and life forms in the galaxy, encouraging growth and advancement. This aspect adds immense significance to the eclipse.


Solar Eclipse Evolution Formula

It's a powerful aid to align and work with the evolutionary potential of this Solar Eclipse and maximize its positive effects,clearing out-dated and unproductive patterns and discordwhile instilling harmony, elevated perception, a global perspective and sense of planetary purpose. There's lightness in the heart, increased serendipity and better focus to get things done, especially in cooperation with others. It can be taken before, during, and for months after this special cosmic event. Click here to learn more!We invite you to meditate on 8/21 with a network of people who have joined forces to gather love, energy and focus at 11:11 am PDT, 12:11 pm MDT,1:11 pm CDT, 2:11 pm EDT. Click here to learn more, convertto other time zones and access a short, lovely visual meditation.

Santa Barbara Quantum Health grew out of an increasing demand for the flower essences, mineral elixirs, and remedy formulations clinically researched, developed, and made by Camille Gilbert, BA, CMT, a gifted Santa Barbara Holistic Practitioner.Camille began her work in 1977, after graduating from the Institute for Holistic Studies with certifications in massage therapy and the Bach Flower Remedy System. At that same time she became a qualified teacher of Reevaluation Counseling. In the mid-1980s she continued her training with the Flower Essence Society to become an Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner, which included learning how to make the essences.Solar Eclipse Evolution Formula: 15.00SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave

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