Spirit Hacking: Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World by Shaman Durek

"Shamanism is a way of perceiving life in a more expansive, engaged, loving, inclusive, impartial way."

~ Shaman Durek

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Click here to purchase! We will receive a percentage of all sales."In Spirit Hacking:Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World, Shaman Durek, a sixth-generation shaman, shares life altering shamanic keys allowing you to tap into your personal power.Through new information you will banish fear and darkness from your life in favor of light, positivity, and strength. Shaman Durek’s bold and sometimes controversial wisdom shakes loose our assumptions about ourselves and the very world around us.He ultimately teaches us how to step fearlessly out of this Blackout (the age of darkness we are currently experiencing) and access a place of fierce empowerment by use of tools and techniques of timeless Shamanic tradition.

This transformation is both personal and collective; as individuals step out of darkness and begin to experience the light, we bring our loved ones and communities out of the shadows as well." (MacMillan Publishers)."This is an invitation to take a sacred journey into the depths of your spirit, and to go on discovery, and to step into the unknown, where you will connect with that infinitely loving, limitless power that resides inside each and every one of us."In his own words, "Shamanism is not a religion. It’s not about rules, or sin, or hierarchy, or punishment; and it’s not about rewards, or righteousness, or austerity, or a heavenly afterlife. Shamanism is not about placing figureheads between you and God, as though you need anyone else to connect you to your own divinity.As a shaman, I am not here to stand between you and Spirit, and I am not here to tell you how to live your life, or how to be a spiritual person. I am here to empower you to cultivate your own relationship with Spirit, and I am here to help you empower yourself by teaching you spirit hacks that will support you in lifting and shifting, and living giant."

Shamanism connects you to all living beings.

"Shamans perceive reality through an expanded perspective that acknowledges the life force, the sacredness, and the divinity in all earthly life-forms, including those in the animal kingdom and in the plant kingdom.Shamans are bound by neither third-dimensional constraints nor the five senses. No one is, really. But most humans are programmed to reject their extrasensory capabilities, and to reject the existence of nonmaterial reality, and to reject the spiritual realms altogether. They are stubbornly beholden to a very narrow, very limited material experience of reality as perceived through the standard-issue five senses.

"Because shamans perceive reality beyond this third-dimensional construct, shamans understand that everything is animate, and that everything has intelligence."

That’s not to say that everything has the capacity for complex cognitive exchange. Let’s not be ridiculous. I’m not going to have an in-depth conversation about Shakespeare or quantum mechanics with a sycamore tree. But trees stand tall, and trees have deep roots and a lot of wisdom to share in their own way.Shamans utilize spiritual tools to access certain doorways of perception that allow us to communicate and share relationships with these other intelligences that share the planet with us."

About Shaman Durek's background and training

spirit hacking by shaman durek | book picks

Shaman Durek is a 6th generation shaman who has devoted decades to study and practice in becoming a thought leader and spiritual enthusiast for people all over the world.His focus is educating people on how to make shamanism a life style choice for evolutionary adaptation. He is an author, activist, and a women’s empowerment leader.This is how he describes his fascinating international background and experiences: My family comes from the West African tribal traditions, as well as the Toscuran and the Scandinavian. So, of course, my ancestors have trained me extensively in those practices and beliefs.I have also trained in Native American shamanism with the Lakota and the Cherokee tribes. I’ve trained in Haitian shamanism, and Nigerian shamanism, and Hawaiian shamanism, as well as in the Cuban babalawo, and the African Kuba mystical traditions. I studied Judaism and Kabbalah with rabbis in Israel, Sufism in Turkey, and Christianity, Catholicism, and Christian mysticism throughout Europe.Plus, I have spirits from all kinds of cultures and traditions and religions and mystery schools who train me, and who advise me, and who work through me—spirits from the Maori tribe, elders from Valhalla, and spirits from Angola, and Thailand, and Vietnam."27.99

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