Greetings to our friends & community,
Ready. Set. Sit.
The Spring Equinox is tip-toeing up upon us. For me the equinox positions on the wheel of the year are like the space at the top and bottom of our breath—empty, still, full of promise--a place to dive deeply into, and, spend some time. Riding the energy of the equinox, balance, brings me to a place of reflection, contemplation and exploration of inner space. On the outer plane, as a gardener, I look to see is my soil prepared for the explosion of growth about to come. What about sustainability?
I sit and ask what wants to be reborn and rejuvenated? What is the fuel for my passion for growth? What needs to be brought to the surface of consciousness from my depths? What wants to be brought into balance in my life, on the planet?
To support your own spring equinox life inquiry we are offering a Spring Equinox Intuitive Arts Tasting on the equinox where six different readers, and the lenses they bring, are available for consultations. See the sidebar for more information.
Soon the time will come and it will be: Ready. Set. Go. Grow.
From my space between breaths to your space between breaths,
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found