Spring Fling March

I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become,I will always plant a large garden in the spring.Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth?

~Edward Giobbi

Greetings to our friends and community,

More and more I feel drawn to the feel of spiritual connection to the changing of the seasons. Deeper and deeper grows my sense of grounded interconnection, while simultaneously trans-galactic gravity pulls me out to the cosmos.

Sky shout praises of collaboration, that we may activate and embody earth regeneration.

“What is our juiciest sharing and how are we carrying out what is sacred and precious and rubbing the wild thoughts of a thrillion, thrumming species amongst our sacred sisters, calyx and whorl?

The Earth is waking up: spring zing! She is dazzling us with celebrations. What bud casing are you bursting from, leafing out? What is unfurling in you? What colors and patterns are your wings? What flower is rising in you? Where is your hive and garden, how do you connect with flying and flowering sisters and brothers on the move?

Dance your special dance that communicates directions to the nectar—

Marma,Mother Tongue Ink

Memes are ideas that travel. Memes spread and infect us. Memes are global. Often in this culture that looks like thousands of marketing messages stuffed into our nervous systems daily.

Memes can be potent; they can change minds, behaviors and transform cultures. I believe they are best when they rise up authentically in answer to an imaginative call, a new story we want to tell about ourselves.

This is my imaginative call for us: to be social change idea agents. To germinate meme seeds that communicate LIFE. The new story is one that acknowledges inter-connectedness, democracy, sustainable living, that shares in contrast to greed and hoarding, and that values true freedom and peace. Join in the infectious spreading…

Teresa, Thule, Tucker and all at Paradise Found

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