There are times when we stop, we sit still.We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.
~James Carroll
Spring! This Santa Barbara spring promises to be spectacular. Our world is busting out in bloom. The green hills are a balm to the eye. The creeks are flowing and the swimming holes full. I have such gratitude for the long-awaited rains. I feel the release of a subtle, background drought tension I didn’t even realize was there.Has anyone else noticed that the early morning bird song seems particularly jubilant? In my backyard there is a veritable symphonic early morning explosion of sound. The virtuoso of this symphony is a mocking bird. I marvel at his sonic serenade atop the orange tree which he has claimed as his dominion. The sheer creative burst of life force energy and endlessly creative musical variation on a theme inspires me. The intoxicating swirl of orange blossom scent and song sweep out any cobwebs of the winter from my being. I am immersed in scent and sound. Fully present. Fully embodied.And, then there are the jays! I watch in awe at their industrious and systematic dismantling of the sphagnum moss lined hanging baskets. I wonder at the architectural masterpiece they are creating. I am excited to meet this next generation of jays.No silent spring in this neck of the woods. I bow my head and feel a deep appreciation for Rachel Carson and other early pioneers who brought awareness of the beauty and the intricate balance of this blue and green orb I call home. I bow my head and feel a deep appreciation for the courage of the young in the #fridaysforfuture who continue the legacy.Come bloom with us!