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Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash[/caption]
Greetings to our friends and community,
The radiance and warmth of high summer has arrived as we enter the heart of Leo season. It’s time to luxuriate in languid picnics, long beach walks, splish-splashing in water, and long leisurely sunset dinners on the patio with family and friends. I could spend a whole day in perfect contentment watching spiral headed sunflowers as they gently turn their heads following the arc of the sun.
With generous, gracious gratitude we give thanks for the first of the grain harvest and offer our Lammas prayers for the sustenance of all beings. We begin to gather in and give thanks for the wondrous abundance of the green growing things all around us; the harvest that has begun and the harvest to come.
And, then there are the night sky show stopping meteor showers already here with more on their way. The Delta Aquarid meteor showers dazzle from July 14 to August 19, followed by the Perseid meteor showers from July 29 to August 17, with a peak around August 12.
Go outside. Look around. Look up. Be struck silent with awe and wonder.
Go within. Look around. Be struck silent with awe and wonder.
Blessings of bounty and abundance to all,
Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found