The Galactic Calendar 2019 by Sky Eden

GALACTIC CALENDAR 2019: Red Cosmic Moon Year (July 26, 2018 - July 25, 2019) are on their way!


Our time on Earth is precious. Our time is our creative life-force. The actual nature of time is not linear, and cannot be fully realized within the blank squares of the ordinary 12-month calendar.The true nature of time is a magical, flowing, 4th-dimensional order that synchronizes all moments, events, and relations as a grand web of meaning. This Galactic Calendar enters us into conscious contact with this web of meaning, and expands our entire context of reality.Follow along with the daily flow of Galactic energies and attune to the creative potential of each new day. Allow the harmonies of color, number and symbol to activate your cosmic self, and infuse magic into your life's journey!


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