The Last of Summer is Delight...


The last of Summer is Delight --Deterred by Retrospect.'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review --Enchantment's Syndicate.

To meet it -- nameless as it is -- Without celestial Mail -- Audacious as without a Knock To walk within the Veil.

- Emily Dickinson, The Last of Summer is Delight

Greetings to our friends & community, So, here I find myself at the end of summer/early fall—3/4 of the way around the 2015 earth/solar trip we take together. A summer that feels quite tenacious and ferocious with this last heat wave here in Santa Barbara. I hope that doesn’t sound like a whine -- as I have vowed not to complain about Santa Barbara weather!We are moving from the high pitch of the Summer Solstice to the resolution of the Winter Solstice, and in between we have the respite of the Autumnal Equinox—a point of calm; centered and balanced. From Labor Day to the Autumnal Equinox, I feel a deep peace. It’s like a time out of time—a pause—a pause where I like to catch my breath and recalibrate. Wasn’t it just yesterday that I made those lists and 2015 plans? I like to take this time to jettison the thoughts, ideas, and plans that need to be released; and to recommit to those thoughts, ideas and plans that have staying power and are aligned with my most authentic self and the will of the universe—and...that have not yet fully manifested.I also like to take this time to honor and acknowledge those thought, ideas, plans that have manifested. Celebrate! Soon enough the pumpkins planted this summer shall be ripe in the field, the veil will thin, we will give thanks, and the holidays will be celebrated in the dark of winter—the invitation to take a breath is now.Inhale. Exhale. Smile.Teresa, spirit of Thule, Tucker, Huxley and all at Paradise Found

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