“You are here to integrate and reveal the master who is already shining within you.”
~ Kaia Ra, The Sophia Code
A declaration of your sovereign divinity, The Sophia Code is a visionary sacred text for the Divine Feminine Christ movement sweeping the planet now. This book is a living transmission encoded with direct revelations to activate your important role as a revolutionary wayshower for humanity's awakening. The Sophia Code cosmology presents a universal blueprint for embodying the return of the Divine Feminine Christ energies. Reveals the crystalline chromosomes of your divine genome for sovereignty. Features the heroic life stories and initiations of beloved Divine Feminine Ascended Masters in their own words, including: Hathor, Green Tara, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin, and White Buffalo Woman.
~Read this introductory volume presenting a modern-day mystery school curriculum for mentoring your highest potential with The Sophia Dragon Tribe.~Receive directly downloaded Divine Feminine revelations from the Ascended Masters, orders of angels, and Star Nations for embodying your Higher Self.~Meet Sophia's highest angelic seraphim: The Sophia Dragons, who are Creatrix Mothers and angelic guides for actualizing your sovereignty.~Be initiated into a global community of Lightworkers moving as one golden dragon of Sophia Christ consciousness fo co-creating Heaven on Earth.
Kaia Ra is the international bestselling author of The Sophia Code, a celebrated Divine Feminine teacher, and world-renowned Oracle for The Sophia Dragon Tribe®️. Surviving multiple near-death experiences, she was directly initiated by the Ascended Masters and Archangels since childhood for downloading ascension blueprints. Her artistry, live events, media appearances, and online broadcasts are hailed as the next-generation of revolutionary spiritual leadership. Kaia Ra leads a modern day Mystery School and international movement for the return of Divine Feminine Christ consciousness and offers The Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective as a ministry of The Sophia Code Foundation®️ to activate the sovereign divinity of humanity. WWW.KAIARA.COM