"Starseeds are souls that first incarnated somewhere beyond this planet – many have a sort of ‘knowing’ from a young age."
So if you’re dimming your light to fit in, this is your invitation to stop, and instead start embracing the unique light that you are here to share. Each stunning card will help you connect to the callings of your soul and the guidance of your heart.
It’s time to remember who you are from a soul perspective, tune in to the whispers of your soul and turn this guidance into grounded action through intuitive inquiry and energetic activations.This deck will help shine a light on who you came to Earth to be.
Identify as a starseed, and understand what this word means.
Feel less alone in the universe and understand their longing for ‘home’.
Activate imprinted memories of their soul history through beautiful cosmic images.
Understand their mission on Earth and empower them to be a source of positive energy.
The Starseed Oracle box has been consciously designed to do much more than hold your cards. You’ll see that when its lid is removed, a triangle is revealed.
The triangle is an ancient mystical shape of many meanings--one is the connection between the unlimited Universe and the groundedness of the Earth.
The box is intended for interactive use during card readings. Simply place the lid upside down and rest your selected card/s within its v-shaped cradle.
Rebecca Campbell is a writer and devotional artist who leads activating workshops internationally, giving people an experience of their soul. She is the bestselling author of numerous books and oracle decks, includingLight Is the New Black and the Work Your Light Oracle.
Danielle Noel is a visual artist from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Her surreal artwork is based in mysticism, the divine feminine, and her own intuitive work. You may recognize her name from her previous works, The Starchild Tarot and The Moonchild Tarot.24.99