The Tao of Dad ~ Book Picks

"The Tao of Dad celebrates the nobility and courage of men-the leaders, the thinkers, the teachers, and the soldiers-who shape our world today. Real words about real life show us how we can be wiser and happier, when we open our hearts and minds." ~Taro Gold, The Tao of Dad

Tao of Dad | Book Picks

Growing up, author Taro Gold learned precious life lessons from his father and stepfather, his grandfather and great-grandfather. Inspired by their experience and wisdom, he created this collection of sayings from men and dads around the world, throughout history.Each page showcases beautiful watercolor art, with a treasure trove of advice and inspiration from well-known fathers and father figures from the East and the West.

Physical force is temporary, as the body is transitory. But spiritual power is permanent, as the spirit is everlasting.~Mahatma Gandhi

Peace, like charity, begins at home.~Franklin D. Roosevelt

A day without laughter is a day wasted.~Grandpa

The Chinese word tao means "way" and implies "teachings" or "wisdom." The Tao of Dad is quite literally the way to great, wise fathers. With more than 400 uplifting and thought-provoking quotes with Eastern sensibilities, The Tao of Dad will remind readers of the cherished moments, important lessons, and forward-looking visions that they have shared with the dads in their lives.

About the Author

Taro Gold | Book Picks

Taro Gold is the author of best-selling books What Is Love? A Simple Buddhist Guide to Romantic Happiness and the perennial favorite Open Your Mind, Open Your Life: A Book of Eastern Wisdom.A native of Southern California, Taro has spent much of his life abroad, visiting more than 30 countries and living in Australia, Spain, and Japan. He has written extensively for international publications, and his work has been published in seven languages.In addition to creating beautiful and encouraging books, Taro has enjoyed success as a children's counselor, teacher, interpreter, and songwriter.9.95

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